Archive: wow...i think i saw the best avs preset ever

31st May 2001 00:09 UTC

Well not exactly the best, but pretty fuqin good. At i dled this one preset called a "tribute to the future" and i was dumbfounded by the ingenuity that was put into this preset. Its like Acidspunk plugin but now in avs form. It kept going and going with a different movement everytime. I guess thats one of the avs is so awesome.

Any ordinary guy that can read and do math can now make krazy visualizations for the mass public. Its a f'n revolution in computer art over here at

I kinda wish I knew how to do math now. lolz

31st May 2001 00:52 UTC

This is more like GEISS. Also as Linus is too member of AVSociety and we plan to make one better version of this AVS with more custom SSC and DynMovments. We will make some improvments for speed of this AVS so we expect to reach near 75% of Geiss speed at same resolution. What will be cooler of this AVS then Geiss is that we will use more interesting SuperScopes and DynMovements.
