23rd December 2000 09:50 UTC
Okay, I have Winamp 2.71, with AVS included, so I know it is in the right directory. when I tell AVS to start, the window pops up and it is BLACK.
I've tried the Options button, Configure, I can't find any reason I just get a black screen. Except, that my computer is a 5 yr. old Sony...maybe I do not have a video card that will show the visualizations? Maybe mine is too primitive?? I hope not, I have never gotten to see AVS and I am bummed! I hope you guys can help...
23rd December 2000 14:01 UTC
Have you restarted the song that you are trying to visualize? When you are playing a song and open up the AVS in the middle of the song, you have to restart the song to render the visual.
23rd December 2000 15:18 UTC
1. try changing presets - AVS display is black if nothing is selected.
2. update your video card drivers - if it's 5 year old, you probably don't have DirectX-compatible drivers installed
24th December 2000 02:38 UTC
like PP said, update your card drivers and then get the latest version of DirectX:
i too couldn't get avs to work for a long time... but after i finally saw it i was pretty much amazed... couldn't stop playing with it ever since...=]