Archive: How can I organise presets and remove ones I do not want?

23rd January 2011 10:44 UTC

How can I organise presets and remove ones I do not want?
Which is the easiest way to go through all the presets, make a note of the names of the ones that I wish to keep, and then delete the ones that I want to remove?


23rd January 2011 11:08 UTC

Depending on how many presets you have, that could be quite a job to do.
If you don't know them by name, then the best way to do it would be to have the Editor window open. Start with the first one in the first folder and either write down the names of the ones you wish to keep or the ones you wish to delete - depending on which are more. Then keep hitting 'U' while the AVS window is highlighted to go to the next one.
Then simply remove the files from ..\winamp\plugins\AVS\

23rd January 2011 11:19 UTC

Thanks a lot. I'll get back to you if I have any problems with this method. Cheers.