Archive: a decade

3rd May 2010 18:45 UTC

a decade
The twentieth of this month, it's been 10 years since I created my first (15) preset(s), (the next day I did another three).

Looking back, I feel that my entire life has done a complete 180 in that decade.

Thanks for sticking around and making this possible, everybody.

6th May 2010 21:41 UTC

ten years, wow. i released my first pack on april 19 a year later :)

12th May 2010 10:56 UTC

omg 10 years is a lot, i don't remember exactly wieh i release my 1st pack :P

12th May 2010 13:36 UTC

thinking about it, took quite a while that i can watch presets in 640x480. even youtube is better these days :)

12th May 2010 21:27 UTC

Well, my first pack was over two years later.
I only had the presets that were included in avs version 2.5 and I had no idea that people even made 'packs' (I didn't have an internet connection until then). I got my first copy of winamp on a CD filled with mp3-files, from a friend. It was bundeled because Media player (the old one, we're talking about windows 95 here) didn't have a way to open more than one file at a time. My friend made a few ones too, but got bored with it rather quickly. Too bad I didn't have an internet connection earlier. I'd have loved to work with the first generation.

18th May 2010 19:49 UTC

I never really thought AVS would be as big as it was and last for so long... its almost scary to think that its been more than 10 years since AVS first appeared, and its still not quite totally dead.

Its great the community has stayed alive so long - I still chat with fellow artists on IRC from time to time and I've met a few in person over the years.

19th May 2010 09:23 UTC

You chat with me =P