Archive: AVS v2.82 in Winamp 5.56: SuperScope defect

10th August 2009 08:11 UTC

AVS v2.82 in Winamp 5.56: SuperScope defect
What used to work for months and years, doesn't work anymore in the latest AVS plugin: It appears to me that the SuperScope waveform viewer does not create any output. Or did you change something completely about parameters or value ranges?

Example: A colored phase display

n=1024; d=7/n; qpi=atan(1)*1.05;

x=0; y=0;


l=getosc(i,d,1); r=getosc(i,d,2);
c=sin(qpi*(l+r)); s=sin(qpi*(l-r));
y=c*0.9; x=s*0.95;
blue=abs(x*2); red=abs(y*1.5);

Drawing mode: Waveform, Center, Lines, 1 color = white

Used to work in all versions up to 5.55x; now with Winamp 5.56 there was an update to AVS v2.82, and suddenly there is no more output.

10th August 2009 11:11 UTC

It's a known bug, please see this thread: