Archive: fakes (VB204)

6th August 2009 14:15 UTC

fakes (VB204)
here's another pack from me that has been sitting on my harddrive forever. you might have seen many of its presets before, but there's also some new stuff in it.

the whole idea started with a remix i made around 2005, that looked more like somebody else did it - no trademark yathosho style. so, i went on and did these fake remixes. some came out like that, for others i used effects from the actual artist to build something new. the comments of each preset give some more info.

it's best to see it for yourself, saves me a lot of words. only available here!

25th September 2009 14:01 UTC

get the fakes special edition with two bonus presets exclusively from here:

please leave your comments on deviantart!

25th September 2009 14:13 UTC

what is this crap about? do you know?

I've been wondering about why it doesn't state the actual address in the 'link' bar

25th September 2009 14:31 UTC

it's just deviantarts own version of services like, or tiny url

1st October 2009 15:31 UTC

so wtf, where are the comments?!