Archive: The PimpBot Poll

28th October 2008 18:30 UTC

The PimpBot Poll
so, i've always been wondering about things like who is really using pimpbot backup? did you know it exists? stuff like that, a little poll.

28th October 2008 21:16 UTC

I'm using Pimpbot since PP2 beta, that was on October 18th, 2004.. That's over 4 years now.

I don't use the backup component. From time to time, I copy my entire /avs dir to another disk on my PC and my own stuff to my webserver

30th October 2008 16:36 UTC

i'm wondering why you'd do this manually, the only reason coming to my mind is that you might want to update certain folders in your avs-directory. and might be a useful feature in future versions of pimpbot backup!

once running pimpbot backup will remember your settings, so the next time, you basically need to enter your ftp password and that's it. however, the new version even allows storing ftp passwords, but you need to enter that manually to pimobot.ini. it's that complicated because nsis has no save methods of encrypting passwords (and still it would be easy to get the password).

30th October 2008 17:01 UTC

It's just that it's really not much work to do.

I just drag and drop the /avs dir to another directory. That takes 2 minutes max to browse to the correct folders (Copying takes longer but that doesn't require my attention).
Then I use FileZilla to copy my own directory to my server, and usually do some other things on my server too. Dragging and dropping takes a few seconds.

31st October 2008 14:26 UTC

2 minutes vs 2 clicks :p

31st October 2008 14:35 UTC

I'll give it a try.

Generally I just don't like to use tools for things that I can easily do myself.

1st November 2008 00:17 UTC

well, i somewhat understand that attitude - but as you most-likely have it installed already, why not let it save you some time :)