Archive: Sindri Plasma - My Second Pack Up to be Edited

3rd December 2007 04:46 UTC

Sindri Plasma - My Second Pack Up to be Edited
I submitted these presets a while back and after the "few days" (aka 5 months) I received an email that my mini pack didn't go though. I thought that I would post the pack on this forum and make it better.

The theme is plasma, that is, a liquidoid texture that morphs to the music. I like the presets OK as they are, but the presets tend to be repetitive and I'd like to add some reactivity to them.

As of now, these are the presets that will be in the pack:
- Exploding Digital Green
- Liquid Plasma
- Molten Wheel Plasma
- Primordial Protoplasma
- Radioactive Plant Plasma
- Volcanic Calligraphy
- and a few remixes

Love one? :D, hate one? :hang:, have an idea that would be cool :cool: or an edit to a preset, why don't you post a comment?

Thanks, Sindri

6th December 2007 23:13 UTC

I lika da plasma
Your plasma presets were cool. I especially enjoyed the liqid plasma and the digital exploding green. In fact, I liked them so much I had to remix them. I even added a little convolution to one. I'm not sure of that filter's mechanics, but i seem to understand how to manipulate it. weird huh?

Anyways, I hope everyone in avs land likes them.

7th December 2007 08:58 UTC

funny, i usually say i liked this preset so much, there was no need to remix it. anyway, the mosaic preset isn't great (that old add-a-mosaic-and-call-it-digital thing). the second one is more interesting, but way too slow. you need to optimize the convolution (scaling should be 2^n).

about the originals, i liked the first 2 best. try playing more with trans effects and please try something different than black backgrounds.

14th December 2007 19:48 UTC

I'm currently working on remixes of the pack using Yaths suggestions to a degree of course so keep watch for my stuff.