Archive: I cant find out of this :S

19th August 2007 12:01 UTC

I cant find out of this :S
How do i get something to follow another thing ?

Lets say i got an SuperScope with a simple short line, and i got another SuperScope i want to get to follow my first SuperScope, how do i do that ?


19th August 2007 14:09 UTC

You need to use the Global Buffer.
Set the value(s) you want to get in another superscope etc by doing;

Then to get those values in the other superscope etc you can use;

See the attached preset for a rubbish example.
Hope that helps in some way.

19th August 2007 17:27 UTC

Ah for the old days of getosc pseudo random number generators, and poxy var limits.

...Wait a minute, that sucked.