11th July 2007 20:53 UTC
AVS wiki
We often get replies from people that the tips and tricks thread is too large and messy to read.
I often read about ideas for PDF files, but you can't edit those. Besides, there will most likely be many different versions after a while, plus that experience on this forum told me that noone will pick up the task to filter the entire tips&tricks thread to one PDF file - face it, we're just that lazy. (including me)
so the idea for a wiki for AVS came up.
A few of the benefits that I see for a wiki would be
- You can easily link between techniques so you don't have to explain things 2000 times for almost equal stuff.
- It's always up to date.
- You don't need to have ages of free time as you can do something useful in under 5 minutes.
- a search function
- not messy (!)
I've put an empty (TEMPORARY, for testing purpouses etc) wiki on my site already, but I'm having some difficulties with it. |link|
We could go for a dedicated wiki-host aswell. |list|.
Or does someone else have a server that could be used?
It could be filled with:
- the benefits of AVS and it's limitations.
- explanations of the effects (could be copied from the tutorials?)
- tricks
- please, also write an article about yourself as an AVS artist, your packs, groups..
- (avs devellopment discussions?)
- links to tutorials
- links to deviantart, visbot, customize, etc
- more
so, is this idea as bad as my presets or do you guys like the idea (more importantly, would you help to write some articles?)