Archive: hooray.. they're back (almost)

17th May 2007 23:52 UTC

hooray.. they're back (almost)
looks like with the revamp of the winamp site, the components (winamp3 days) and plugins sections were finally merged. at least i can see my packsuploaded to the components section on my profile page as unpublished. :up:

22nd May 2007 18:50 UTC


22nd May 2007 19:20 UTC

i wouldn't count on it. the whole submission process and related parts need to be finished - it just pulls everything from the db for you account irrespective of it being valid or not (was showing a load of dead/failed submission attempts i had)


23rd June 2007 13:05 UTC

so what would happen, if i edit those plugins (uploading new file and screenshot). would it be possible to add this to the current plugins site and maintaining existing reviews and ratings?