Archive: AVS Gurus: How am i doing This?

5th April 2007 12:42 UTC

AVS Gurus: How am i doing This?
Yet again i'm asking one of these "how does this work" as opposed to "how do I do x..." questions, the reason being final year uni project in AVS, gotta explain it all in a report yadda yadda ... anyway's I can explain pretty much everything i've made, apart from this one: what i don't get is how the kelideioscope effect is being acheived, i get how the shape is repeated at the edges, but where are the smaller versions which seem like their in the background come from? I know it's something to do with the comb of DM and blitter feedback, but mainly because if i remove either of them it stops. What exactly does a DM do if you apply before effects? Answers to all these questions (and more, but this'd be great start) will actually help to sleep easy in my bed tonight

oh, and just out of intrest, why can't you just upload avs files?

6th April 2007 21:45 UTC

1: Look for pak-9's avs programming guide to learn about dms
2: Check the tips n tricks section for ideas.
3: Kalaidascope presets can be made easily.
4: Find Zen-x packs they're loaded with kalaidascopes effects.

Also you say you checked the forums.
But this and the other topics are easily located in the avs folders if you know the right "keyword" to find them.

search for kalaidascope in only the avs thread that way you find only posts that have the word kalaidascope in them.

I'm not tryhing to be mean but these question you asked are easily found if you look.

6th April 2007 22:07 UTC

Sorry, i might not have made myself clear, i'll try rephrasing the question: I have already meade the preset (see attached flie above), the problem is more that i need to provide a peice of techincal text explaining how this works. I say this as i get the impression frrom your answer that you were thinking i needed help making the preset.

8th April 2007 01:25 UTC

in your preset the dm processes every frame the generated image of the effect list.
since the dm zooms out, and there is nothing to overwrite the whole screen, the whole image gets zommed out several times.
thats where the little copies for the bg come from.