Archive: how are colours stored in AVS?

4th April 2007 09:08 UTC

how are colours stored in AVS?
Does anyone know the internals of how colours are stored in AVS? I know the colour depth can be set for Fullscreen and i assume it uses windows colour depth in windowed mode, but are these just RGB values or do they contain Hue, saturation and brightness? Also does AVS use Alpha compositing for it's colours? i'm guessing so cos i've had problems drawing black, which i'm guessing has a 0 alpha value so anything can be render 'on' it, if that makes sense.

Also i read in some forum post that 32BPP should be faster than 16, as all graphics processors these days are 32-bit, is their any truth in this?

thanks in advance

4th April 2007 17:12 UTC

32-bit RGB.

The 16BPP option doesn't change the internal calculations inside AVS, it simply downgrades the 32BPP, at the cost of CPU.

But I don't expect that that has anything to do with your problem

For this 'drawing black problem', use a Misc\Set render mode (or an extra effect list) and set it to additive or maximum or something alike - Also, learn about the different blending modes.

4th April 2007 20:04 UTC

Hey WOTL, thanks for the quick reply,
i actually managed to get round the problem, i can't honestly even really remember what is was, think i used an effect list with addative output blending or something like that, but yeah set render mode would've done the same thing... the reason I ask is that i'm doing my final year comp sci project in AVS, well have done it in fact but am now on to writing my disertation and have a million and one things to explain... the reason I was asking is that i thought i had a fairly good understanding on the topic of blending modes, but for some reason i've become convinced that something in AVS incvolved alpha composition, i.e. does each colour value have a seperate alpha value indicating it's colour contribution to the image (i.e. 0=invisible, 1=full visible, replaces anything rendered before it) it seems to make sense with the wasy adjustable blending mode works as well, although that could easily be applied uniformly to every value within the effect/effect list.

Again thanks for any answers you can provide

4th April 2007 23:54 UTC

I believe everything just gets recalculated.

Looking at the history of AVS, I highly doubt Justin or anyone else took any effort to change the entire engine for just this. (Remember how 'flexible' the code is and that AVS (wvs) was only created as a side-project to waste time with)