Archive: How do I...

18th February 2007 01:48 UTC

How do I...
I'm trying to make a vis that's themed off of the Halo 3 Trailer (Link) from the part at the end with the blue text kind of bubbling and exploding. I just need to be pointed in the right direction. How do I make 2-d squares "explode" off the screen? How can I make the main image "bubble" really big? Any help is appreciated.

18th February 2007 04:32 UTC

that will be needing some works on coding.

18th February 2007 05:06 UTC

Ya, I've tried the basics (that's all I know, really) but all I can get them to do is spin. And I'm not sure how to get the image to "bulge" out. Any advice?

18th February 2007 23:04 UTC

Read tutorials

20th February 2007 23:03 UTC

Well, I've already read through them, but who knows, maybe I missed something.

22nd February 2007 11:37 UTC

Understanding AVS is not as easy as you thought.

3rd March 2007 23:19 UTC

Hmm it seems interesting. but its not my area. i mostly do simple themes. but with halo comes raytracing and i havent even scratched the surface of that area yet. i can't even code buffers. wahh!!

4th March 2007 04:27 UTC

(*sigh*) And I thought that if I learned Calculus, this would be easy. Now where are those dang C++ books at...

I've made some progress, though. It'll probably be done in the next 5-10 years.

6th March 2007 02:21 UTC

you might be able to ask jheriko, but he'll probably reject anything about you as your a noob.

8th March 2007 01:03 UTC

Knowing a programming knowledge will make learning avs easier but learning avs's advanced topics takes time and practice.

let me guess your current skill lvl revolves around making sscs rotate using simple vector math right.

when you want to rotate a ssc in the avs world you have use vectors.
this is something i learned from Pak-9's avs programming guide.

init: n=2;
frame: rot=rot+0.05;
x1=i*2-1;// this will create a line
// this is the rotation code
/* this is the basic vector equation i learned from pak-9's avs programming guide */

now the next part.
rotating a solid square. again this is simple.

init: n=100; s=1;
frame: rot=rot+0.05;
s=-s; // this creates a alternating number
x1=i*2-1;// this will create a line
// this is the rotation code

end of lesson

as you can just rotating something is simple.
now look for pak-9's avs programming guide and read it and learn from it.
post what you learn from it.

next will be 3d.
heh i warn you i learned everything i know from pak-9's guide so i've managed to pick up some new tricks in the process. idea. look at the post in the avs presets section called 3d model practice and you will see what i mean.

I hope this helps you grasp avs better.
oh and keep those evil c++ book out of here. i have enough of a head ache as it is.