Archive: picture slide show ?!

14th February 2007 21:18 UTC

picture slide show ?!
I'm new to this forum and to this avs stuff.
I was wondering how a picture slide show can be made.. .it would be cool to do such a thing and change the pictures on beat.
I want to make an "on beat slide show" for a dj and winamp has the potential.
I suppose it's a stupid question and can be made easy:) Can anyone help?

14th February 2007 22:17 UTC

Purely theoretically it can be done, but realisticly.. no. You can't.

Technical details:
AVS wasn't designed to work with images. AVS does support them, sure, it supports video's aswell, but all on a very limited basis.
In AVS, an image loading component can only load one image, not an entire directory.
This means that if you have 14 images, you'd have to instruct each image to show up when all the other 13 don't.
Then, if you'd want to add a new (15th) image, you'd have to modify all the other images too not to show up when the other 14 images are shown... etc

14th February 2007 23:23 UTC

I understand this feature is limited, but if you give me an example that works with only 2 differnt images, I can carry on from there; thx for the reply

16th February 2007 08:27 UTC

See the attached file

If you don't have Global Variable Manager yet, get it here

16th February 2007 11:50 UTC

sweeet:)it works!
Thank you for your time and help!
I'll post a link if I can here or pm you with the finished work, after all YOU made it possible!
I'll remember to link to you where the finished intro will be. thx again for the support!

17th February 2007 12:21 UTC

Don't forget to send an image from it too. We'll appreciate it.

20th February 2007 07:38 UTC

there was elvis's war preset which used the avi.ape but that chose a random frame from an avi file every beat or two if i remember properly.