Archive: UnConeD - My CAT Loves one of your presets...

27th January 2007 04:37 UTC

UnConeD - My CAT Loves one of your presets...
I just wish I had an easy way of capturing my Siamese cat named "Nikita" getting seriously into your rollercoaster like Tokyo Bullet preset! Anyone who believes the old myth that cats aren't able to recognize a two dimensional image need to come and see Nikita (world's smartest cat) watching this preset close up to the screen.
Seriously, it is very obvious to any person who sees this, that she really is into the animation. I mean she gets totally immersed in its rollercoaster like ride! She even moves with the motion as if getting dizzy, to the point of almost losing her center of balance as she sits and just stares intently at the screen just about 9 inches away from her face, with very WIDE, and alert looking big blue eyes that are definitely interested in what they are seeing, which anyone would agree on, unless the person was a severely retarded fool.
I should mention that the Tokyo Bullet preset isn't the only AVS my cat watches. She sits and watches with eyes fixed on most of all the presets that come with the Winamp download. But before I tried AVS on her...she would watch these downloaded short movie clips of animals and birds.
Though nothing else compares with how she reacts to watching the Tokyo Bullet preset, which is by far the most amusing thing I've ever witness from my cat. Its so funny to see her head moving back and forth right with the dizzying twists and if she is really into the whole illusion of it. I am sure she is truly enjoying it in a real conscious way, because she clearly knows its not real, but chooses to still watch practically as long as I have it running, with very focused alertness of attention.
It is a fun thing for anyone to sit and focus in on up close. Although the sensation must be a lot more of an exciting rush for my cat (or any cat) which is my guess just because a cat has never before experienced anything even remotely similar to it before. But we humans have had loads of experiences, riding REAL rollercoasters and watching IMAX movies etc, and so you get my point?
I think its just cool that I have this new way of entertaining my pet, and making her life more interesting and fun.
I am going to work on getting some video footage of my cat's new found entertainment for you all to see on perhaps YouTube or whatever ways is the easiest for me to share it with you all, and prove true all I've written here!

Oh by the way, I usually have the AVS window set to fairly large size, filling up a good 85% of my monitor's 17 inch screen. Though it still runs amazingly smooth even at this larger window size, especially with the Tokyo Bullet preset, even without using the double pixel resolution feature! So to UnConeD, keep up the good work and please write some more like Bullet, or simply more with that same 3D movement effects like my cat seems to enjoy. Thanks,...and Nikita says "MEEEOOOWWOOOW!" (haha) Umm, that was "Thanks", spoken in ancient Siamese, with a genuine traditional dialect too! She speaks it fluently.

27th January 2007 12:13 UTC

You can make your AVS window filling up to 100% of your window size.

27th January 2007 23:39 UTC

wee!! an avs cat now that would be neat to see. can you upload a picture of nikita watching said preset.

31st January 2007 23:47 UTC


2nd February 2007 04:00 UTC

my siamese cat seems more interested in a single white moving particle on a plain black background.