Archive: visbot back catalogue

10th September 2006 01:48 UTC

visbot back catalogue
168 releases, 11mb @

10th September 2006 05:21 UTC

not bad but apparently from what it says on visbot

!ever wanted to grab all visbot releases!

as if i would want to download a huge 12mb file that doesn't even include the japanese visbot exclusives

overall rating 5/10

10th September 2006 05:57 UTC

Dude, relax about the Japanese releases.

This is a very good idea but I was really hoping all the releases would be in one executable.

10th September 2006 21:09 UTC

Originally posted by denkensiefursich
releases would be in one executable.
yeah, maybe we should get some interns to do that :)

however, you could install the all with /S switch (silent installation), not sure though if those old installers could do some damage to installed apes.

11th September 2006 06:31 UTC

limited time only??
bah, no fair!

[someone save that one up for me till i return, ok?]

11th September 2006 09:48 UTC

Grandchild: Contact me if you want it.

I hope I'll be able to save it for a year

11th September 2006 15:34 UTC

it's sendspace's policy to delete uploads after 7 days of no downloads..

12th September 2006 13:48 UTC

yathosho: i see
wotl: thanks heaps!! [you fear an hd crash or human failure? ;)]
or better idea: send it to [mynickname][at], i'll save it there.

12th September 2006 16:41 UTC

email(s) sent.

It's not like I'm expecting an HD crash, but you never really know for sure when you're talking about an entire year.. anything could happen.

And shodan:

google for the term 'exclusive' and have a nice cup of 'shut the fuck up'

Noone's forcing you to download it.
if you don't like it, don't use it.
and mostly: don't complain about free services

While you're at it, search for the term 'trolling' aswell

13th September 2006 13:54 UTC

Calm down WotL!! He is allowed to complain, from his quote from the visbot site... he should expect to get ALL the presets... not some. False advertising!

Not that I like the idea of country exclusive presets... given the small number of people who care about AVS (or have ever cared) its likely some countries are entirely without AVS!

I can offer free but shaky hosting on a domain if you want a more permanent home :p

It only ever goes down when I have guests or crashes... people who aren't me seem to enjoy sleep without the humming of fans :/

17th May 2007 15:10 UTC

second time around.. here

17th May 2007 18:02 UTC

too late. already downloaded every pack on the website. except for the japanesse ones - but i guess if you use a proxy server hehe ^_^.

20th July 2007 08:52 UTC

there's now an installer for the first 200 visbot releases available for visbot subscribers. no option to specify the packs, it's all or nothing (for now?!)