Archive: I officially suck at avs

15th August 2006 18:29 UTC

I officially suck at avs
After some time of no avs what so ever I started working yesterday morning and as I was working I realized I forgot everything and that I suck really bad. I did one preset but it has diffrent variations.

So what do you guys think? Should I retire?

15th August 2006 18:51 UTC

just browse through your favourite presets, it'll get you inspired again.

by the way, did you use an image for 4, or did you mean them to be just dots?

15th August 2006 19:54 UTC

Used an Imagine. It's a texer.

So should I retire?

15th August 2006 20:04 UTC

I'm not going to tell you what to do - it's your life
you're the artist.. do you still like what you do?
if yes then keep on going
if no, then:
Do you want to start liking it again?
if yes: then look for inspiration and experimentate
if no: then try another hobby until the addiction draws you back to AVS :D

15th August 2006 20:21 UTC

Ok let me put it like this: did you like the preset. (on a scale 1-10)?

15th August 2006 20:41 UTC

Sorry to bump this question too, but you're the artist and you're the one who can judge over what you make.. How I personally like it should really be irrelevant to you, but I'll answer your question.

1 - I like it, but it somehow only rotates in one direction for me. The colors are also a bit pale. What I like is the kind of 'plastic' effect that's created by the CM. (6.8/10)
2 - You either love or hate this colorscheme. Personally I like it, but the colors a bit too pale for me again. I guess it's caused by the combination of the CM and the invert. (6.7/10)
3 - Pink is not my color and the osc only goes horizontally, which kinda distracts me. by the way, use numbers in your CF that are powers of two, that makes it a lot faster. The builtin movement is okay, but please, at least change it a little to make it a bit less obvious. (6.1/10)
4 - I see tiny cyan dots moving up and down that turn blue when they fade to the front.. the rest (about 90%, running at 400x300) is black.
even a starfield would look better. Sorry, but I like this one the least. a 4.5 for the code

But keep in mind - this is only my opinion

Most artists experience 'artist's block' from time to time.. I promise you that if you give it some time, things'll go better.

15th August 2006 22:56 UTC

i like "1"

16th August 2006 02:20 UTC

Well thanks for the opinion and I need to work some more before I get a decent preset.

10th September 2006 06:56 UTC

don't quit, florin; I suck too... the only difference is that I have spared myself embarrassment by not posting my crap here.

I expect I might look less noobish in 5-7 years (centuries?); you on the other hand have a talent: BIG difference