Archive: New Project

15th July 2006 00:55 UTC

New Project
I just wrote this.

Its a Tutorial for the visualnoobs website and i need to know what everyone thinks and there are any improvments or additions that can be made.

15th July 2006 03:30 UTC

Because there are only five points there are only 5 lines but when set to 800 there are 800 points thus 800 lines and that’s what makes the scope look better.
With 5 Points In A Superscope, Thats 4 Lines.
800 Points=799 Lines.
Small Detail, Yes. But It Was Bothering Me.
Also, If It Is Directed At Newer AVSers, A List of Variables And Their Meanings Would Be Nice. And Try Covering Color Coding.

Just Suggestions.

(Poll Needed An O.K....)

15th July 2006 04:48 UTC

Good but need further explanation on coding skills..

maybe, 3D? :)

17th July 2006 20:59 UTC

I think a programming guide for the noobs of avs is a good ideam since pak-9's guide already explains some of the more advanced uses of avs code. However the text seems quite unrefined, and adding a few images to help understand the message would also be a good idea. Also adding paragrafs, solely for the purpose of explaining a not-so-important function (such as your explaination of getkbmouse) is a bad idea. Instead you should explain the differences between texer II, superscope and DM, as well as variables specifically for them (sizex, sizey, rendermode, v, alpha) and generic vars (pi, phi, w/width, h/height).

Basic rule of thumb is to never go over more then 1000 points for any preset unless its really needed. Because it takes up more memory to calculate 1000 points then it does to calculate 500. Also another thing to not do is to use if it at all possible to avoid is the use of arbitrary numbers because. Computers have a easier time calculating 150 then 137 or 465 to 500.
First of, using more points is slower because it takes more processing time (CPU, not memory). Second, for most uses of the superscope, random numbers such as 137 won't be slower to do any calculations with than 150. What you're thinking of may be the performance gains of using 2^n numbers for the convolution filter, or using a bitmap, where the dimensions are multiples of 8 (which I'm not sure that AVS is affected by), but for generic purposes most variables value won't affect performance.

2nd August 2006 14:26 UTC

pak-9's already written a very comprehensive tutorial that covered pretty much everything.

3rd August 2006 23:36 UTC

Originally posted by Mr_Nudge
pak-9's already written a very comprehensive tutorial that covered pretty much everything.
DummDD already covered that topic. Pak-9's avs Programming guide is meant more for the already well learned avsers there are today. mine on the other hand will be more easier to understand if its not as technical but still practical.
The reason i'm doing this is because I too am a noob and so i know what its like not to understand avs at its highest point.