Archive: New AVS compile wandering around :)

8th July 2006 01:31 UTC

New AVS compile wandering around :)
Will, master of ml_ipod was nice enough to throw a new feature into the AVS text render.

New sex in this version of the AVS text renderer is the $(playlist00) function.

Basically $(playlistxx) will return the title of a playlist entry to the text renderer. So let's say your playlist looks like.

1. Bob
2. Frank
3. John

You can display that on your AVS window by using render>text then..


For me this was something I *really* needed for my karaoke shows. Now folks don't have to walk to the back of the room to check the playlist screen, they can just watch the main karaoke screen, and know when they're coming up.

Anyways, if anyone else comes up with some cool stuff for this new function, post it and share it :) If you want to see it in action tonight, just tune into toqerTV tonight to see how i'm using it in all it's karaoke goodness.


8th July 2006 15:04 UTC


8th July 2006 17:39 UTC

I watched for minutes hypnotised by the terrible singing... but the avs seemed to just be tokyo bullet whizzing around the track repeatedly.

The most interesting thing I can think of using that text for would be to have a little box that pops up occasionally with the playlist in it. The only problem is you can only show a finite amount of entries at a time and they have to be the same ones.

9th July 2006 01:30 UTC

Yah it's unconed's tokyo bullet. Japanese bosses love the fact that it has kanji in it.

I have it display each name from the playlist so the singers know when they're coming up. It's kind of hard to see the Next, #2 #3 #4 and so on because of the curtain at the bamboo, but im attatching it so you can check it out locally on your machines.

I thought of other goofy uses that would probably require lots of crazy programming. If you could do sendmessages to the winamp API from AVS, maybe a fully functioning playlist could be done in AVS. Drag and drop playlist items to move them around. Like I said though, crazy amount of programming to pull that off.
