Archive: double beat?

27th June 2006 14:17 UTC

double beat?
how would i go about doubling the bpm detection? if you know what i mean... i need a way of running the code in the beat section twice, or even three times for every beat. any help would be great!

27th June 2006 14:47 UTC

Use loop() ? :confused:

27th June 2006 15:51 UTC

Play faster music with more beats? :p

30th June 2006 01:17 UTC

Move the code from the beat section to inside an if() block in the frame section. (You'll need to convert it to assign() format or use the eeltrans APE.) That way, you can use code to count the number of frames (or seconds) between beats, and use that value to determine when your custom-beat code should be executed.