Archive: [APE development] SMP question

25th June 2006 23:46 UTC

[APE development] SMP question
did anyone ever try to make an APE that uses AVS's "Experimental multiprocessor support"?
i tried and did everything as described in avs_ape.h
the new RetrFunc gets called fine, but AVS still calls the render() method instead of smp_begin()/smp_render()/smp_finish()

i already looked at avs's source for help... it seems to call everything fine and the way i expect it, but it still does not work

any insight? :)

28th June 2006 21:55 UTC

yeah i have one for you man. don't compile using a gnu based compilation program. and one question for you is . what is the compiler you use, i must know i'm going nuts here.

29th June 2006 10:15 UTC

Nanakiwurkz: Save yourself a major headache by using Visual C++ 6

30th June 2006 03:46 UTC

VC7 works fine too
there is just one problem with that: vc6 cant open vc7 projects, so you might wanna keep the old vc6 project file for compatibility

btw, off-topic...

30th June 2006 10:36 UTC

iirc the debugging doesnt work with 7

7th July 2006 17:03 UTC

debugging APEs works fine with vc7, just one thing:
you cant debug vc6 APEs with vc7 and vice versa