Archive: kar-ma - WhackAN00b

12th February 2006 08:13 UTC

kar-ma - WhackAN00b
Basicly, I'm part of the way through "kar-ma - Whack A N00b", a AVS Game (code the coding/gameplay base down, am working on graphics) and I need n00bis presets for the whack A noobs to throw at you, and kill you (blank White boxes just arent the same) I dont want to hurt people (and rip from them) by placing real presets in it, So I call upon everyone to give me presets to use (I can't make flashy kalidoscopic presets, SERIOUSLY! They WONT FLASH!!!) If I get a couple i'll show you's

12th February 2006 08:14 UTC

BTW the whole game is a joke, I dont endorse whacking noobs (to do, add warning message)

12th February 2006 18:56 UTC

you need permission for using presets or pictures of presets?

12th February 2006 21:27 UTC

Not really, he just doesn't want to offend any newcomers by using their preset in that context.
btw: i might be able to produce some really flashing presets later!

12th February 2006 22:18 UTC

Got some free minutes to create some junk. Hope it's flashy enough for you! ;)

btw: I find it quite hard to do that kind of stuff. Usually you try to avoid these mistakes and now you have to work them in on purpose! :D

13th February 2006 14:43 UTC

dumb question of mine...

it should read:
do you need permission for using presets or permission for using pictures of presets?

and ^..^, great! really baaaaad presets!
what about an addition to the welcome sticky:

- :winamp: Winamp AVS team

PS: Download this pack [link to DemoNoobPack]. If your presets look like this don't even waste the effort to link them for us, get back AVSing and become better [a lot]!

13th February 2006 16:04 UTC

You really have to know the rules if you go out to break them.

P.S. While those presets realllly suck, I think they have the "taint" of niceness in them. I'll delegate the task to my friend who is a n00b. He's a pro in these matters.

13th February 2006 16:20 UTC

Ok, you may use the stuff out of the pack I posted ages ago.
It contains some coll presets as well as a load of crap I recently trashed.

I guess some of those are exactly what youre looking for.

Some review comments for proof:

Originally posted by Phaze1987
GAMMATRIX-those colors suck offence but its ugly.
HYPNOTIC TUNNEL-sorry to say this but its awful!my eyes feel like crap after fullscreen with that preset...
OVERLOAD1-yack! that effect is blinding me and my cat !
ROTORIX-auch! hurts like shit!
TRANSWARP-double auch ! after writing and viewing presets for 40 minutes this is a pain in the ass
Originally posted by Raz
OVERLOAD1 - no offence, but this is awful. its flashy and bright and irritating and has bugs in it. get rid of the stars and add a scope, stop the flashing and change the DM so it dosent make those squares, agh i really dont like this :down: 1.6/5.0
HYPNOTIC TUNNEL - meh, again with the same colours but it looks way to grainy, i would smoothen it out and make the scopes into something different. This is essentially, a very very noob preset. Also dont use roto blitters like that. 2.0/5.0
LIGHTFORMING - this also has been done waaay too many times. the blue is too bright for my taste and it looks too grainy. 2.6/5.0
PHSYCOPOD - meh, grainy, sunburster, noob colours. i like that cirles effect though, put it onto something better. change the colours and get rid of that god forsaken sunburster. 2.0/5.0
ROTORIX - gah, my eyes!!! it burns.. it buhuhurns!!! change it so its not so grainy and chaotic. Make the colours less bright and make it change direction, also try and make it so you cant see those ugly lines you get with a roto blitter at the edges where its rotating. 2.2/5.0
Convinced? :D

13th February 2006 16:24 UTC

This inspires me.

I made, without even trying, presets that are 20x better than the average n00b, and then I completely dumbed them down. Both actions took me a minute per preset. 4 minutes spent for nothing, and here they are.

13th February 2006 17:43 UTC

btw: i have to admit that (maybe except the last one) my preset aren't that noobish actually. They use several effect lists and the background is not mostly black.
Hmm, looks as if i suck at making noob-presets. :hang:

Anyway, i like your suggestion grandchild! :D

13th February 2006 23:31 UTC

Originally posted by Doggy Dog
This inspires me.

I made, without even trying, presets that are 20x better than the average n00b, and then I completely dumbed them down. Both actions took me a minute per preset. 4 minutes spent for nothing, and here they are.
Good job, those presets really do suck.

13th February 2006 23:38 UTC

P.S. Here's my take on the garbage theme.

14th February 2006 02:12 UTC

This is my first preset... enjoy it :P

14th February 2006 07:36 UTC

I love n00b presets,

It gave me a new inspiration.

15th February 2006 09:21 UTC

Why thank you JFASI, I would've loved to say that your sucks ass too, but it's too classy for the average noob. You obviously haven't seen as much of them as I have (and I've seen all that were released on in the last, what, 2 years. And at least 60% of them before.

Let's see. For proper noobness, you shouldnt've used wrap, despite the name of the movement clearly saying that you should use it. And there should be at least 3 of them. Preferably all over the preset, but "in a row" is nice. One of them should be "source map", and one of them should have "rectangular coordinates" unclicked. Cos you don't want a square preset. Duh. Changing the angle of the Dot Fountain is for wimps and pussies. Keeping the original colours was correct though. Those new apes are for pussies too. On beat, on CS is nice though, but Multi Filter HAS to be on beat too ! And in the beginning of the preset. So that you have a nice triple chrome all over your preset. Additive blend is the n00bs friend too. It can't be shiny enough.

Et voila ! True poop !

15th February 2006 09:27 UTC

Here's a taste of n00b preset of mine, enjoy!~

an old skool preset..

15th February 2006 09:32 UTC

Now, just the right haxor comment and a proper name.

And a tr00 n00b preset is finished.

Easy as pie . If you have the l33t hax0r sk1llz for this !

15th February 2006 10:09 UTC

Wh4t th3 sh1t, I try t0 m4k3 1t n1c3 t0 l00k 4t.

P13c3 0f ca|<3! Th1s 1s a n00b pr3s3t, w0rthn3ss

15th February 2006 22:07 UTC

Originally posted by Doggy Dog
Why thank you JFASI, I would've loved to say that your sucks ass too, but it's too classy for the average noob. You obviously haven't seen as much of them as I have (and I've seen all that were released on in the last, what, 2 years. And at least 60% of them before.

Let's see. For proper noobness, you shouldnt've used wrap, despite the name of the movement clearly saying that you should use it. And there should be at least 3 of them. Preferably all over the preset, but "in a row" is nice. One of them should be "source map", and one of them should have "rectangular coordinates" unclicked. Cos you don't want a square preset. Duh. Changing the angle of the Dot Fountain is for wimps and pussies. Keeping the original colours was correct though. Those new apes are for pussies too. On beat, on CS is nice though, but Multi Filter HAS to be on beat too ! And in the beginning of the preset. So that you have a nice triple chrome all over your preset. Additive blend is the n00bs friend too. It can't be shiny enough.

Et voila ! True poop !

I dunno. Are we trying to make n00b presets from the standpoint of technical n00bishness, or do they just have to look like crap? I think the holy grail would be to get both.

15th February 2006 22:19 UTC

Well, then waht about this one?


15th February 2006 22:25 UTC

Hideous. Technical garbage. Anywhere else, you'd be shot for just talking about using the water-invert combo for one. Your flagrant and explicit use of firewurx deserves a slow and painful death. We love it.

15th February 2006 22:34 UTC

Bull's eye!
When you first know how to do, it's soo simple! ;)

16th February 2006 06:39 UTC


16th February 2006 11:14 UTC

JFASI, there are two types of n00b AVS. The "minimalist crap", and the "bloated crap". The minimalist crap is produced by the sort of n00bs who are really n00bs. Like, seen avs 2 days ago. For the 95% of them, that's the first moving thing they've "created" on their pc's, and because it's, like, a "cool animation", they love it. It's obviously crap, really simplistic crap, but they've made it and they're proud of it. The "bloated crap" is made by the more ambitious among the n00b n00bs, and by people who have been doing AVS for a little longer. 50% n00b n00bs evolve into that category after a few months, 45% stop doing avs, and 5% do something that resembles "good presets". The bloated crap, which is the preset I've put above consists of a bunch of generic movements, or simply crappy movements (making a x=0, y=cos(2) movement, without the rectangular coordinates makes them proud), irregularly dispersed through the preset, often repeating themselves, some slightly "tweaked" effects, like, say, Blitter Feedback, or Interferences. Unmodified DDMs are also present. The lower the FPS, the better the preset looks to them (if it's slow, it MUST be good!1!!). XOR is also often used, as soon as they discover Effect Lists. Text is used in the most brutal way, and so is Bump. Most of the l33t hax0r n00bs are devout bloatedcrapians. The "mix" in my attachment goes beyond the two styles. Simple enough to be the first style, with the elements of the second style.

I hope I've been clear :).

16th February 2006 12:05 UTC

That covers it all quite good! Nice summary! :D

16th February 2006 15:02 UTC

:p I love n00b!

16th February 2006 20:45 UTC

This is a updated verison of ur n00b.....

and here are some other n00bs .....

.....although i am a n00b i still think the n00b thing is funny

16th February 2006 21:37 UTC

What happened to good old nUb?

17th February 2006 04:56 UTC

Originally posted by JFASI
What happened to good old nUb?
You meant pü17dijo, the spammer?

/edit: 6°üb?:igor:

24th February 2006 08:54 UTC

ya got some "nice" n00by presets here everyone (way better than my attempts, nothing seems to flash with me - I can make crap, but not cliche n00b) I was sure i'd getflamed atleast for the Whackanoob stress relief thing, but no! :) (BTW sorry for the late reply, I forgot about the website until winamp needed to update, so...

Soon I'll post a semifished version...

24th February 2006 08:59 UTC

and BTW, Im gonna optimize these for speeds sake - so, dont bother bputting in redundent stuff evemn though its more authentic

27th February 2006 16:17 UTC

you can use the hires presets from my 7th pack if you want:

they were made when avs used to be REALLY slow, and before gettime etc... so they basically look like superfast noob shit these days.

27th March 2006 14:27 UTC

Originally posted by Doggy Dog
JFASI, there are two types of n00b AVS. The "minimalist crap", and the "bloated crap".

I hope I've been clear :).
If talking a bit more about n00bs, there are so n00bs that aren't n00bs, they make presets that aren't presets*. Those n00bs never publish presets, never visit forums: they hide.
*Not like this, although they are similar in methods.
This is just a very simple preset.

30th March 2006 21:08 UTC

I don't see why people who don't know about/don't do AVS have anything to do with this. :)

19th April 2006 23:30 UTC

How's this for ZOMG NOOB-ism?

Originally posted by ^..^
Well, then waht about this one?

Arrghhh!! *blind*My eyes!*blind*