Archive: information

1st February 2006 22:33 UTC

Hi geezers,

I don't really know if this is the right place to ask my questions.

I would really like to be a developer of visual effects tuned with music such as the ones you can see in Windows Media Player or WinAmp.

Can anybody help me with proper suggestions, please?

Best regards

Walking Shadow

1st February 2006 22:52 UTC

I can't help you with WMP. But as for Winamp, there are numerous tutorials, found here.

The best advice I can give you is to simply experiment. To access Winamp AVS, with the main window of Winamp, press Ctrl + K. Select Advanced Visualization Studio v2.81b [vis_avs.dll], and press start. The AVS window should open. To access to AVS editor, right-click on the window, and select AVS Editor. This should open another window with many customizable features that are used to create all the visualizations that are found here.

Using the tutorials and lots of experimentation, you should find all the ample information you need to develop all the visual effects you desire. :)

2nd February 2006 09:49 UTC

A new plugin, .ape..? :igor: