Archive: switch automatically

12th January 2006 19:35 UTC

switch automatically
the visualization switch to the next animation only when i press the "next"-button. is it possible to change a setting so that the visualization switch to the next animation automatically

besides its impossible to show the visual. in the full screen mode (error message: mode does not supported). what is the cause? winamp? windowsxp? or my flatscreen monitor? how can i fix the problem? I`d like to use the fullscreen mode.

THANX for your help!

12th January 2006 23:10 UTC

Re: switch automatically

Originally posted by nils99
the visualization switch to the next animation only when i press the "next"-button. is it possible to change a setting so that the visualization switch to the next animation automatically
Read FAQ #4

Originally posted by nils99
besides its impossible to show the visual. in the full screen mode (error message: mode does not supported). what is the cause? winamp? windowsxp? or my flatscreen monitor? how can i fix the problem? I`d like to use the fullscreen mode.
AVS editor window>Settings>Fullscreen: select another resolution - Recommended: 640x480@32BPP

Oh.. and welcome!

13th January 2006 00:36 UTC

i think he wants it to switch to the next preset, not a random one... in which case you will need something like AVS playlister... i cant remember where you can get it tho, i never use it

13th January 2006 01:39 UTC

Or you could just use u and y to pan in the folder, and then hit space to get out of the folder.

13th January 2006 04:46 UTC

[offtopic]That reminds me, when I use the u&y keys to switch presets AVS stops for a couple of seconds (it has stopped even for 10 seconds at times) and then switches to the preset, when i used to run AVS on Win98 it didn't stop to "think" at all and the switch would be instantaneous. I wonder what's up with that :weird:

[ontopic]What the people above me said.

13th January 2006 05:02 UTC

Hmm, yeah! I'd never put much thought into it before, but I had to try that out. Damnit, Tug, now that you've mentioned it that will piss me off everytime I'm running AVS.

...kinda just the arrow in FedEx:


13th January 2006 07:50 UTC

is there anywhere a step-by-steb instruction to make a own avs playlist?

13th January 2006 08:25 UTC

AVSplaylister can be found here: [click]

13th January 2006 09:10 UTC

I'm really starting to get sick of all the useless threads that have been posted in the last six months and even if I am a complete and utter ass, I can still realize when things havent gotten completely out of control, I just hope this thread doesnt end with a bunny or flame....

But seriously ... 3 topics locked ... after god knows how long and with insominous names!!! this is ludicricely fucked up in so many ways its not very funny and I'm becoming very confused in whether to post here or not, nor whether its the AVS artists or some dickwads, I think after the topic named "Visualizations from windows media player!" should be automatically locked, I was going to post a new topic but i thought that a reply to a crap thread would be more appropiate than wasting more space than that has already been wasted, and also a storm stopped me :p

well that's my giant rant, excuse my grammar / spelling.

13th January 2006 11:46 UTC

I agree, Matt.

sorry for you, nils99.. Please don't take this personally, you're just the 10.000th visitor who got the 'prize' this time..

The current atmosphere on the AVS forums nearly let me leave these forums (and thus in complete) permanently for a few times already now.

I'm at school now and I don't have more time now.. perhaps I'll write a longer post later..

13th January 2006 13:37 UTC

It's a little annoying, I'd agree WotL. But what can we do about it to make it better???

As we can't do sth about noobs, they will always be there, we have to deal with them. So:

First, I'd suggest a big flashing red sign/link the first three times somebody enters the forums, displaying:

Before YOU post anything use the SEARCH-Function

or sth like this, because I didn't see the link at the first time, lined up with the the other red links above as it is.

Second, I think some of us [I don't exclude myself in that] could be friendlier - at least a little - to noobs.


13th January 2006 14:10 UTC

well there could be a easier solution...
we need a avs-nOOb subforum where nice avsers help the nOObs.

nils99: if "AVS editor window>Settings>Fullscreen: select another resolution - Recommended: 640x480@32BPP" doesnt help
try out the overlay fullscreen mode

13th January 2006 14:22 UTC


13th January 2006 16:58 UTC

AVS forums is quite the hostile place, for starters we could be more nicer to new people, but that isn't always so easy.

Personally i just can't stand people who make the X question the Nth time or people who can't even explain what it is that they want or people who are just in the wrong goddamn place in the beginning with...
What can i say, im easily annoyed, and when i get annoyed i tend to open my mouth rather than just shut up and ignore it (which would be the decent and best thing to do), that's just me.

I could ignore idiots and n00bs and idiotn00bs, but i choose not to, i'll rather make a rant or a sarcastic comment or whatnot, than let the rage build up on me and then one day just explode and do something rash.

AVS forums is my steam valve sort of :)
Pity for the new people though.

13th January 2006 17:20 UTC

i dont mind nOObs ask stupid questions...
if they ask them in clear correct english

13th January 2006 17:22 UTC

AVS forums is quite the hostile place, for starters we could be more nicer to new people, but that isn't always so easy.[/QUOTE]

It is difficult sometimes to be nice and some in recent times have been complete idiots and being civil is more difficult.

But what really was all that wrong with this/nils99's thread.

True the question has been asked before in a roundabout way.

Maybe you should look at the way the threads are responded to in Winamp Technical support where if anything you get more newbies asking more foolish questions.

The general reaction there is one of support and welcoming even in the face of stupidity and sometimes crazy viewpoints.

Simply ignore the threads if they are too much.

Sometimes in newbies defence there is some aggression here towards them.

We are going to get them here it is the new breed of people taht use the Internet now.

It used to be people were glad of help they would try and find out themselves answers now people just ask without looking and more often then not demand answers.

Ignoring is not easy especially when it is community that you have spend sucha long time building and the want/need to make it stronger with new useful members and stop people leaving.

But try and give it a go. :-)

I know I don't come here much. I pop in every so often to check what is happening but if there is a real problem thread you can use the 'report to moderator' link and all the mods of this forum will get an email and we can take any action if needed.

Hope it helps

13th January 2006 22:16 UTC

Some of my random thoughts on what is or has been happening recently..

Often a thread gets started by a newb who's asking for a simple thing, not knowing if that function exists to begin with. For example we'll take switching presets per song.
The first reply then is in the line of "search + angry emote" , leaving the question unanswered. Bashing the noob for it is good IMO, but only after the original question has been answered.

The next post will be about "how it could be done, theoretically", complete with ASM code and all if possible. The person who started the thread isn't interested in this. Again, discussing how it could be done is good, or better: great, but only after the question has been answered (and if there is any chance that the discussed code will ever be compiled, but that's something else)

Then, some people whose names I won't use here started a 2-page dialogue in either a non-english language or in a form of 'teh 3ngl!sh' that is actually even harder to read. (I'm really happy with that you're talking in the IC forums now, guys :up:. thanks)

In the past, when anyone went over the smallest line, either dirkeftly (then Atero) or one of the other guys stepped up, powered up his flamethrower and stopped the madness.
Today, most of the known AVS artists don't visit this forum on a regular basis anymore or just lurk. I'm not saying they should return, that's a personal choice, but they are surely missed.

I think that that's what's being missed the most now: Not someone who goes in agains all the rules of course as it used to happen, but the presence of a certain atmosphere (or whatever) where people correct each other to behave normally.
I admit that I have not been correcting people where it was needed too, but I usually tend to stay away from getting angry on a forum. After all, I'm 'just another member' like the other person is too. I'm also not certain anymore that other members - or better, mods - would join in such a discussion, since there is only a very small group of members left here who try to keep this place tidy..

14th January 2006 01:41 UTC


A so-so (by that I mean less that 300x300) flame OR a long and hateful rant. Just to go along with the "unfriendly nature" of the forum.

14th January 2006 07:04 UTC

Originally posted by Rovastar
But what really was all that wrong with this/nils99's thread.
Nothing wrong with this thread, it's actually quite a decently put question (what if somewhat frequently asked...) But the 3 other threads you already locked, now there was definetly something wrong.

People just started to talk about the hostility of the forum in this thread since the question was already answered.

14th January 2006 10:50 UTC

nothing wrong here that a lil maturity and a healthy dose of humanity couldn't help

hell I got slapped for making an honest mistake, that I caught!

Its just AVS, dudes; nothing here that could justify delusions of godhood. Try to get out more; introduce yourself to your neighbors and maybe have a drink together.

14th January 2006 13:08 UTC

Fresh air? Real people? You're insane!

14th January 2006 13:36 UTC

Originally posted by hornet777
nothing wrong here that a lil maturity and a healthy dose of humanity couldn't help

hell I got slapped for making an honest mistake, that I caught!

Its just AVS, dudes; nothing here that could justify delusions of godhood. Try to get out more; introduce yourself to your neighbors and maybe have a drink together.
I smite thee for such a comment

14th January 2006 14:03 UTC

Are we mortals just too smelly for you?

15th January 2006 01:19 UTC

Originally posted by hornet747
introduce yourself to your neighbors and maybe have a drink together.
Why should he/she have to? Details... he/she just wanna take a chance on ask.. and yeah, I've got to buy more perfumes ;)

15th January 2006 08:47 UTC

Originally posted by PAK-9
I smite thee for such a comment
lol ...

15th January 2006 11:57 UTC

Originally posted by JFASI
Are we mortals just too smelly for you?
Yes. Smelly and hairy, ugh... mortals...

15th January 2006 18:02 UTC

Originally posted by Tuggummi
Yes. Smelly and hairy, ugh... mortals...
Dont even get me started on mortals

15th January 2006 18:46 UTC

Careful, there's more of us than you.

15th January 2006 18:59 UTC

pah who needs selfproclaimed gods?

me not

15th January 2006 19:27 UTC

Followers! Attack him! Burn the pagan!

15th January 2006 21:46 UTC

Odin will protect me!

16th January 2006 09:39 UTC

:mad: I was trying to be serious


16th January 2006 12:43 UTC

3 Steps For Dummy on How to Switch to the Next Preset Automatically.

1) First, say your pray.
2) Get really ready while you're listening at the ending of music.
3) Press 'U' in a perfect shift (end of music) so the next preset will automatically switch.

It's so easy! ;)

17th January 2006 09:25 UTC

Originally posted by Tuggummi
AVS forums is quite the hostile place, for starters we could be more nicer to new people, but that isn't always so easy.

Personally i just can't stand people who make the X question the Nth time or people who can't even explain what it is that they want or people who are just in the wrong goddamn place in the beginning with...
What can i say, im easily annoyed, and when i get annoyed i tend to open my mouth rather than just shut up and ignore it (which would be the decent and best thing to do), that's just me.

I could ignore idiots and n00bs and idiotn00bs, but i choose not to, i'll rather make a rant or a sarcastic comment or whatnot, than let the rage build up on me and then one day just explode and do something rash.

AVS forums is my steam valve sort of :)
Pity for the new people though.
No offence to you, but if you did the same in Winamp Tech Support, you'd be banned within a week.

When I read the topics over here, it seems as if 80% isn't about AVS. It's all about bashing each other, posting pics and other senseless meaningless rubbish. Probably the reason why most of you also reside in the Recycle Bin forum... ;)

17th January 2006 10:53 UTC

Well to my excuse the people who usually even discover there's a thing called AVS within winamp most likely have a braincell or two more than people that have problems operating winamp itself.

I guess i expect more out of people who come here. I just have this illusion that people aren't idiots. But im always proven otherwise.

17th January 2006 11:10 UTC

You do have a point there; if you want to make AVS your hobby/occupation/whatever, you should be willing to do some research yourself. I just think ignoring is often better than posting nonsense.

But I'm outta here, this isn't my bussiness... :p

17th January 2006 11:54 UTC

If we didnt flame/help teh n00borz the AVS forums would consist of a "winamp forums compilation" thread once a year and perhaps the odd thread here and there about a new ape or tool.

18th January 2006 04:15 UTC

yes im insane, but i sure have fun doing it
(especially if it means slapping!)