Archive: dynamic texer

25th December 2005 17:23 UTC

dynamic texer
We all know and love the texer. The question is: is it possible or worth it to make a texer that actually does stuff, and shifts around. It would be like a buffer, but much more, well, cool. It would potentiall simplify a lot of ideas that I have.

25th December 2005 19:00 UTC

It exists
It's called texer2
It comes standard with AVS

any other questions?

25th December 2005 21:58 UTC

Or if you mean by "shifting" that you could perhaps animate it with several frames? There is already a way to make very simple animations with texer 2 (you can get 3 frames! w00t!).
Though UnConeD did say that it would be possible to add animation/frame support, but he doesn't simply have the time to do it right now.

26th December 2005 02:20 UTC

Yeah, I meant that the image should change dynamically. Or would that kill the fps?

26th December 2005 02:31 UTC

Depends really how complex your animation is and how many particles you would have and of course if every particle would have a independent timeline...

26th December 2005 04:06 UTC

I guess you can actually sync up two texers, and you'd get 6 frames' animation -- That can get tricky, so beware.

SizeX and SizeY can be all you need for certain animations... keep those in mind too.

26th December 2005 04:09 UTC

RBG*SizeX*SizeY=3*2*2=12, wow! Twelve frames of monochrome rotation animation, sweet! :rolleyes:

26th December 2005 19:32 UTC


26th December 2005 23:32 UTC

use n texers with different images skip and don't skip them accordingly... done. its really simple... i will post an example in a bit if i can be arsed... its one of those techniques which i have been waiting for a decent 'avs game' idea for to implement in something...

27th December 2005 00:01 UTC

That true jheriko, but "true" animation support would be more for things when you create huge particle "engines" or something, with over 1000 particles.

Just imagine source II with animated particles, mmmmmmmm :drool:

27th December 2005 06:33 UTC

if you do it like i suggest you just have to duplicate each 'particle engine' texer ii for each of the frames of animation per particle... you could even offset each of the skips using a % to allow for different particles from the same 'texer' to be in different animation frames... its not that much slower since it skips the texers it doesnt have to draw... it is still slower than using one texer ii since the amount of evallib code which is needed to run is multiplied by the number of animation frames..

anyway attached is a simple example showing a 7 frame animation at 2fps on a single texer in the middle of the screen

27th December 2005 11:45 UTC

here is a multi particle example... to prove i am not talking crap :)

requires the previous zip file...

27th December 2005 15:03 UTC

That's interesting, but I was thinking that it would actually be faster if it played an AVI in one component.

27th December 2005 17:03 UTC

Again, it is not a matter of "possibility" it's a matter of convienience. I know it can be done, i even know how it can be done, but i would much rather prefer the built-in support than a hack-around way.

27th December 2005 18:38 UTC

if you say so :(

28th December 2005 03:03 UTC

Originally posted by Tuggummi
but i would much rather prefer the built-in support than a hack-around way.
how would you build it in? an extra variable for the frame number and the ability to set different images for each frame?

28th December 2005 11:29 UTC

Meh, im too lazy to explain, so i'll just let UnConeD explain it for me.

<UnConeD> you know, i could easily add real animation to texer 2
<UnConeD> i just make it so you stack the frames vertically in one picture and specify frames=X

29th December 2005 15:26 UTC

You could do that? UnConeD to the rescue!

29th December 2005 19:28 UTC

<UnConeD> i'll add it to my todo list
Patience my young friend, for it will not be long till the counsil makes you a jedi master.

Err, sorry, had my [/starwars] on.
All im saying that don't slip into the dark side of whining, it will happen eventually. I think it has been about a year when this conversation took place, so patience.

30th December 2005 02:07 UTC

That must be one hell of a todo list...

30th December 2005 02:42 UTC

If it's anything like mine...

I'll finish this thought later, once I have time.