Archive: AVS + Flash = Totally not gonna work

16th November 2005 03:48 UTC

AVS + Flash = Totally not gonna work
**emerges from hole**

After a night of tinkering with flash, I've sucessfully created a flash version of the superscope, only without the whole beat thing. It's kinda small, so just zoom in a bunch to see it. After looking more into the possibility of having a more powerful ssc-type thing in flash, I realized that, well, flash really sucks at drawing lines from mathematical formulas.


**goes back into hole for another year or two**

16th November 2005 04:56 UTC

Flash can do some fun stuff visual stuff if you put the time into it. I made a few things here and there to play around with.

3D Rhino:
arrow keys rotate and +/- zoom

Inverse Kinetics:
use your mouse and drag the green dots.

There's not really any pixel oriented stuff so it's a totally different platform, but it can be fun.

16th November 2005 18:14 UTC

That's a pretty spiffy rhino right there. Unfortunatly, when you rotate it, the fps goes down the drain.

16th November 2005 22:45 UTC

True, true. How, more or less, does one make such a sexy rhino?

16th November 2005 23:46 UTC

You can also use home, end, page up, and page down for the rhino to make it solid, transparent, roll right, and roll left, respectively.

But, OROD, how does yours work?

17th November 2005 00:05 UTC

Insert and delete turn on and off the edge outline too. At one point I was working on making it render with cell shading but it didn't quite work out, but the outline stayed. I can adjust the thickness of the outline too but I think I like it best at just 1.

Yeah the fps go to hell when it your rotate, but it is doing nearly 500 polygons... When I'm off work maybe I'll put up a version with a different shape with less polygons.

I wrote the engine to render said rhino over the summer when I started playing with flash. It's the same deal as doing a 3D ssc in winamp only you do 3 points for each polygon and flash has built in functions to draw shapes in 2D. There's a little more organization required in storing vertices efficiently so you don't store multiples of the same thing. I can give you more details than that but I wasn't sure exactly what you're looking for me to say about how it's done.

I was thinking about making a 3D flash game but a) I don't what kind of game I should do b) the polygon count would be pretty dang low c) the fps could be unstable. It's still a possibility though.

17th November 2005 01:30 UTC

I'm better with AVS...

17th November 2005 02:49 UTC

It would be pretty cool to have a shape drawing APE though, with options like the ones in flash. So then we could do vector graphics :)

17th November 2005 03:50 UTC

Well, I have one on my comp, but its sooooo buggy...

Its worse than 3D Tentacles when you open it...

19th November 2005 20:13 UTC

Originally posted by UIUC85
I was thinking about making a 3D flash game but a) I don't what kind of game I should do b) the polygon count would be pretty dang low c) the fps could be unstable. It's still a possibility though.
i think i allready saw a few 3d flash games that were compleatly 3d, used your graphics card n everything. i don't know if they used a 3rd party plugin or what. but i do remeber them.,, one was like a 3d version of sfcave but 20 times faster and a lot of fun!.. but then they started charging money n i was forced to start actually doing work at college instead of lazing around playing flash games on the net...

19th November 2005 20:21 UTC

Charging can do that...