Archive: question about superscope

16th October 2005 03:44 UTC

question about superscope
Is there a way to make a lightning bolt effect. i done a search but i didn't find what i was looking for.


16th October 2005 17:36 UTC


16th October 2005 18:23 UTC

Originally posted by PAK-9
I concur.

16th October 2005 23:19 UTC

"Short answer, yes with an if. Long answer, no... with a but."

Seriously, though... Yes, it is possible to create a lightning bolt effect with a Superscope. The tricky part is figuring out how to program it. I've never tried this, but I would probably consider a fractal-like approach, where a starting curve is subdivided into smaller curves, and so on, until you've got a list of points ready to plot...

Of course, if you don't need something very realistic, a simple oscilloscope could do. With some clever use of variables (and possibly an Effect List), you could get it to flash on each beat, then quickly fade away, much like lightning would.

Of course, there are probably hundreds of ways to get some sort of lightning-like effect in AVS. There's no telling what you might come up with, if you experiment enough!

Good luck!

20th October 2005 06:27 UTC

Originally posted by Tuggummi
I concur.
i've already done it except with lots of colours :)