Archive: Hi.

12th October 2005 15:49 UTC

Hi. I was wondering, have anyone made the visual that Brian has in The Fast and The Furious? If yes, where can i find it?


12th October 2005 16:44 UTC

:| this will be serious fun... anyway, so, to make things clear, Brian has no visuals. maybe his car had some but i can not fucking remember so try to describe that effect.

12th October 2005 16:52 UTC

Btw: Please do NOT cross-post!

12th October 2005 16:55 UTC

lol.. fine.. ill be specific.. i need the visual brians laptop has in his first race.. so, anyone made this or not?

12th October 2005 17:01 UTC

I think hboy wasn't asking where that visualization was playing but more how that specific visualization looked like. Cause at first not everyone in the world has seen that movie and secondly not everyone who actually HAS seen that movie can remember how that certain visualization looked like. So you have to describe it to us in order to get an answer.

12th October 2005 18:50 UTC

okay :) ill take a screenshot of the visual and upload then.. :)

here :)

12th October 2005 19:54 UTC

Not too many people have the skill to make something as complex as that and im not sure the ones who can will go for it at all, so basicly you're pretty much screwed (you can always ask nicely though, or bribe someone to do it)

12th October 2005 20:09 UTC

ehehe =) i know its complex.. but its nice too =)

12th October 2005 20:32 UTC

At least there are a few pretty similar presets. But unfortuantely im a bit too lazy too look them up atm! :p

12th October 2005 21:23 UTC

That remindes me a little of UnConeD's "Goldie". That was in a pack called "Community Picks". It's not very much like what's in that screenshot, but it's still pretty cool...

With the right motivation (as in a hefty bribe), I probably could make a preset that looks like that screenshot, but, having not seen that movie, I can't guarantee that I'll get the motion (or anything else) quite right. At least it'd be an opportunity to practice with "Render / Triangle" some more!

12th October 2005 22:36 UTC

complex and boring

13th October 2005 19:12 UTC

that shit? oh man. i remember the movie (sucked bigtime), but that thing i didn't even remember until you showed it. i guess you just can forget about seeing that one...way too boring. as stated above: go for "goldie" from unconed. waaaaaaay better looking.

6th November 2005 03:53 UTC

here's the closest i can find in xmms... it's an openGL render and the source should be out somewhere. so have a look into that.

6th November 2005 11:03 UTC

Hmm, seems as if that pic is a tiny bit too small for having a look into it... So guess he most probably won't have a chance to see what you meant in order to search for it.

/edit: i just removed the ".th" in matt's link and got a fullview of that pic. But it still doesn't show what this openGL-vis-thing might be called...

6th November 2005 17:07 UTC

but hasn't synth-c made a preset like this, only in dark red?
[it was in some compilation i think]

yes. it was visbot 9:
go for: "10 - synth-c - cool down in hell"


7th November 2005 13:16 UTC

It wouldnt be a particularily big deal to make a preset like this provided you are fairly competent with triangle ape. It is always rendered from the same direction so you could forgoe the z-buffer and just draw from back to front. However it wouldnt produce a particularily interesting or exciting visualisation so I wouldnt really recommend anyone bother.

8th November 2005 06:25 UTC

Originally posted by ^..^
But it still doesn't show what this openGL-vis-thing might be called...
...or what it needs the opengl for :P