Emperor Xóbel
3rd October 2005 06:20 UTC
Some new presets, lemme know what you think.
Hey kids. Here are some typical noob presets, but I'm not just going heavy on the easy to use features, I'm playing with the code. I have to admit I have no idea what I'm doing, seeing I'm not a programmer, but seeing other people's work gives me an idea of the syntax and variables and so I play around and I get some interesting effects, which I've done my best to make into aesthetically interesting or pleasing presets. Most are fairly responsive to the music I think. There's prolly too much code, or the code could be done more effectively. If anyone is interested, they could rewrite some of it to get the same effect for less lines, but I don't expect anyone to. If the feedback is at least moderately good, I'll post the pack on the plugins page.
Emperor Xóbel
3rd October 2005 06:24 UTC
Oh and of course credit me if you copy anything. But i doubt anyone will, for I am but a humble noob without even the pretension to aspire to be tuggummi or unconed or a god of any sort for that matter. Or a dj in da house hehe.
Emperor Xóbel
3rd October 2005 06:46 UTC
Hehe... just read the posting guidelines.
Hey kids, I just read the guidlines for posting presets (after I'd posted of course) and i complied except for the subdirectory thing, which i understand completely, seeing that much of my avs directory (with about 5000 presets) is a bit messy and I can never find what I want). So here is the zip again, conformed to the guidelines.
Warrior of the Light
3rd October 2005 12:39 UTC
With the edit button you can find below each post, you can.. well.. edit your posts (and attachments), up to 2 hours after you posted it.
This would save all of us a lot of reading/time.
I'll get to the reviewing later if I can find the time.
Welcome to the world of AVS!
3rd October 2005 15:50 UTC
spirail spinal chord remix(es): To dark with loud music, and screen is way too empty, but nice look, somehow I like it.:up: You should definitively try to develop this further! (Maybe three instead of one column and/or a background texture?)
The other presets just hurt my eyes, aaargh! Please don't use those flicker effects! :cool::cool::cool:
I think random coding isn't such a good idea, because with this method your presets will always look the same, and there's no way for improving and becoming more "skilled" on this. Better learn math! Pak-9's programming guide is always a good start for coding noobs :)
Emperor Xóbel
4th October 2005 02:53 UTC
Lol... the flicker effects...yeah...they warp my brain too. But that should only be happening on about three of them! the tunnels and the painfully smooth one. Sometimes its cool to fry your brain... Lol...i do know a bit of math (first year uni stuff) but i don't enjoy it, i enjoy fiddling with it all. I know some look like some of the others, but thats cuz they are only slight remixes... others are heaps different I would of thought...though of course they are all 2d...but thats cool isn't it? we aren't all unconed. I like a bit of subtlety too...the dancing quinkins edit (blue and purple one) has such subtle patterns appearing in whta seems to be just vertical lines...but maybe thats just on my resolution, I know they change pretty massively when you go to higher resolutions...I changed up to like 1024×768 and it was very different (not very useful though cuz i got frame rates of 4fps). I know I like what I've done, I'm just very curious to see if anyone else likes it at face value, because i know most of it is not stuff that is clichéd and common (though someone released a circles thing that looked just like mine a few months back, and I wrote mine like two years ago! oh well....no claims of plagiarism, just coexisting creativity. anyway, i'll shut up now.