Archive: A stab at an avs pack~

26th July 2005 22:40 UTC

A stab at an avs pack~
Here's a pack of avs's i've been working on for quite a bit...
in the .zip is a cool font that is used for two of the presets, i reccomend that you extract it to your windows/fonts folder, for its utter coolness if not for its place in the avs pack~

comments appreciated :D

26th July 2005 22:55 UTC

Stylistically I think there are a lot of nice presets, however they suffer a bit from the fact that I can easily identify how it was put together (which I know is a bit of an unfair critisism but it does add to their 'noobyness')

If you want it to be taken seriously as a pack you need to remove all of the repetition, far too many of the presets are variations on a theme. I realise you think the variations each have their own charm but people viewing the presets get tired of the repetition, just bite the bullet and only put your favorite of each idea in the pack.

26th July 2005 23:09 UTC

I agree~
and i'd like to make a few late notes:
1) some of the presets, like the "program" ones, look a whole lot better on higher resolution / sized windows
2) some (like "waveform") are better suited for wide windows
3) and yeah, there is some repetition, but that's mainly for deciding which variation best suits the 'theme'...

27th July 2005 02:09 UTC

Originally posted by towel_boi
I agree~
and i'd like to make a few late notes:
1) some of the presets, like the "program" ones, look a whole lot better on higher resolution / sized windows
2) some (like "waveform") are better suited for wide windows
3) and yeah, there is some repetition, but that's mainly for deciding which variation best suits the 'theme'...
Well, I didnt want to bring up issues such as frame rate and screen size independance because they are sort of 'advanced' considerations (no patronisation intended).

When using built in components such as 'render/timescope' you are basically tied to its frame rate dependance, similarily 'render/text' is screen size dependant, etc.... This is why you will notice certain presets looking better on wide windows or high resolutions. It's a fixable problem but not worth worrying about if you're just starting AVS'ing

29th July 2005 08:07 UTC

I liked some of the presets, but they have that n00bish essence ... :(

29th July 2005 19:15 UTC

I love these colors though. I can never really get my presets to be so vibrant, maybe because I spend most of my time creating superscopes, and not actually touching up how it looks.