Archive: AVS as a music video?

12th July 2005 14:35 UTC

AVS as a music video?
Can i legally screencapture and arrange into a music video the output from winamps AVS's.

what are our options.

1. Use for free, sell for free
2. use for free, sell the video for profit
3. Pay for a licence.
4. Trade credit on video and site.

5. If we create our own visulisation can we do any of the above legally?

12th July 2005 15:49 UTC

If you made the preset yourself, i'd say do what you want with the screencaptures!

If anyone else made the preset you want to use, i'd say no except you asked the author of that particular preset for permission!

There already has been a thread about the commercial use of AVS (eg. licence/payment/fees/sell for money etc.) but unfortunately i can't find it again.

Perhaps someon else remembers that particular thread?

12th July 2005 19:29 UTC

I remember it too, but can't find it even after the 5th search term...

Most artists add their personal legal stuff in their comment and/or installer. Obey that.

Most important rule, and this goes for every preset from every artist: Give credit where credit is due.
If you use something, have the artist's name/contact info where people can see it.

13th July 2005 13:49 UTC

If it's not made by you then it's best to stay away from any profitable business (ie. don't sell, distrubute, use if the preset wasn't 100% made by you)

Most people don't mind if you use parts of their presets and don't gain any money from it.
(except me, because im a bitch about it)

So in short, AVS preset made 100% by you, do whatever you desire. Any % made by someone else, ask permission and don't do anything until you get it (especially if there's MAD CASH involved).

18th July 2005 12:06 UTC

You have my permission to use my stuff as long as I recieve some credit. Even if there is mad cash involved that I won't see... because I'm nice (foolish) like that.

They all came off of winamp when their database screwed a couple years ago:

get them from

23rd July 2005 03:37 UTC

Heh heh.

24th July 2005 09:40 UTC

Try UnConeD's "AVIGrabber" (?) which can be found on

24th July 2005 10:45 UTC

yeah cheap translucent SSC logo :D
not even framerate or resolution independent
[edit]or aspect ratio corrected :eek:
coned's gonna flame you to ashes for that one :D

4th August 2005 12:09 UTC

High all, thanks for the good replies :) credit would most certainly be given, maybe even financial, we would be happy to "buy" a vis for a reasonable price once we reach the stage of selling our music. ATM we are offering it free :)

One more question. Does anyone know from winamps point of view rather than a vis developers point if there would be anything stoppping us from "profiting" from using winamps avs to generate our captured output.

4th August 2005 15:34 UTC

All that is written about it, as far as I know, is the text in the about window:

Feel free to try to do the same (You may use AVS at parties, clubs, concerts and whatnot. Just give credit where credit is due).
I read that as show that you're using AVS.

11th August 2005 06:09 UTC

just inform me if you ever go looking through mine ;)

21st August 2005 03:59 UTC

Matt, i went looking through your's :D nice pack.

Actually i even started messing around with trying to create my own after adding in the avsgrabber i realised thats its fun to play with avs.

Anyway as mine as still pretty amateur, i used winamps default ones for a test, tbh i was pretty impressed :D (it sucks as a pro video, but fun as a freebie)i was messing about earlier looking for ways to capture the output and sound, the avs grabber wasn't giving me very good frame rates for size, i ended up running winamp on a dif machine with nothing else running and with a decent vid card.

I then remote desktopped to it to use snaggit to capture the result, then wavelab to combine and sync the video of the vis to the audio of the mp3 that was playing in the winamp.

ok well if yer interested in the result, or have a vis in the default winamp5 download, please have a look and tell me on that site if ye have something in there ye dont want me using, or would like me to add in credits at the end or a link on our site(I dont check in here too often, about once a week so theres best if ye want me to remove it immediatly)

took 3 mins 30 seconds to download on my comp..4mb bb.

the video is called moonwalk and its a wmv, i get a smoother playback in media player atm, gotta fix that! if ye get a 404 just now its coz i am still uploading it, 90mb... gonna work on that too ;)

21st August 2005 09:08 UTC

btw which pack did you use, if it was v1: that sucked I'll pm you my msn ok...

21st August 2005 13:55 UTC

it was pack v1 i seen but i didnt use it, i just had alook through :) very nice. would be perfect if i could alter t to show our name, i couldnt use your's coz it has your name floaitng through it and it is 5 vis long, i used the default ones that come in winamp 5 for this 1st test so they didnt become too repetitive.