Archive: 3+ colour gradient in SSC - how to?

30th June 2005 09:43 UTC

3+ colour gradient in SSC - how to?
I am basically trying to create the standard, VERY boring led-style spectrum with red at y=1, yellow at y=0 and yup, green at y=-1.

I've noticed some gradients use circular/Pi progression, some sin/cos varients and others that I need to go back to school to remember! :P (Oi, just turned 32, mind failing and getting grumpier at teenagers!) :D

If there is someone that can show a nice and simple way of doing this, I'd be much grateful.

Cheers and ty.

Oh, and am I right in believing that d is a stencilling/alpha operand? :s

30th June 2005 15:56 UTC

D stands for distance from the center.
(0=center; 1=corners)

I recommend you take a look at the tutorials about these basic questions

See attachment for templates for what you requested.

Good luck and welcome to AVS!

1st July 2005 02:13 UTC

Thank you Wotl.

Helps very muchly. I didn't even think of above(), below() - still getting used to this side of programming. (I am *much* better with hex-editors and decompilers!;))

The first place I went to was the tutes links, but not for lack of trying, I couldn't get what I was after. I ended up with this basic gradient which blends them very nicely when used in conjuction with vert move and fade:


Thank you again.


3rd July 2005 09:30 UTC

by the looks of things i wouldn't get too comfortable with AVS it has become open-source and the other projects that are now starting...

3rd July 2005 10:25 UTC

Yeh, I read the threads on that. :|

Whether it's a good thing or bad is up to be seen. Could just make a mess of things like all the versions of html out there. Hope not.


5th July 2005 12:48 UTC

thats just bullshit, AVS is open source, but absolutely no work has been done on it. From the other end, if we start working on it, we will keep it compatible with old presets, otherways there would be no point on working on it, would there?

8th July 2005 09:54 UTC

tweaks in graphics, adding the optimization(s)? or even adding the ape's into the actual avs itself... (a broad selection, triangle, avstrans etc., etc.,)

8th July 2005 18:21 UTC

adding triangle to avs wouldnt help a lot. the code is a mess :)

9th July 2005 01:03 UTC

needs a 'make me uber' button! :D

Although it may get messy if pple start working on the open source, I still like it as is as it gives me another interest on the comp (including the other 200 that are sitting idle! ;))

Being a gfx nut, I can use the effects in renders and the like.

And as for new effects etc., there's always these forums to help - (*whine* How do I make a great avs with moving particle and the new render 'ultrascope' etc. [grin])

