3rd May 2005 18:38 UTC
camera movement
I've been working on this for a while, but I don't know what to do for camera movement. I'm thinking some sort of drifting thing that passes above/below the clouds. I haven't touched it in a while, so I don't quite remember how it works.
3rd May 2005 18:44 UTC
forgot to attach the file
7th May 2005 21:28 UTC
you need to have a global rotation matrix (regular rotation matrix that is just inverse of regular rotation matrix). then you can do
point = point - camera_position //transform
point = point * rotation_matrix //rotate camera
iz = 1/point.z; //
x = point.x*iz // convert 3D point
y = point.y*iz // to 2D
you just have to make sure that camera is looking at same point, which is imo more complicated than figuring out camera.
I can easily be wrong, so correct me if i am :p
8th May 2005 16:06 UTC
Right now it is way too random and bumpy. The onbeat random shift means it always hovers around the same position. This is not just stupid (as you are discarding the majority of the possible view angles) but also annoying because you never show people everything.
13th May 2005 12:45 UTC
looks okay for a scene... but where is the camera movement??? oh wait... reads first post again :p
make it go straight line forward + psuedo random rotation, i really love those classics...
might be good when fixed up :)
edit: dont know if i ever commented but robobot v2 is teh good shit. especially since it features my name in some comments!!! woooo!!! :p