Archive: I know I said you would never see another preset from me unless it was amazing...

18th April 2005 23:05 UTC

I know I said you would never see another preset from me unless it was amazing...
But I have been trying for a while to make a 'flowing' preset, and I want some opinions on it. I don't think it's amazing, but I think it's okay for what it is. :)

Oh crap! I forgot about posting more than one preset. I don't have anyhting else new (that's ready) right now, I hope I can be forgiven.:(

18th April 2005 23:13 UTC

if you like headaches..

//edit: the flashing thing is acutally dangerous for people with eppilepsy

the main idea is neat, but PLEASE get rid of that freaked out colors

19th April 2005 01:22 UTC

i kinda like it flashing like this, but it needs some smoothing for sure

19th April 2005 02:05 UTC

*sigh* I just don't get it. I've been told this before, but I see no flashing colors. The only reason I put it here is it seems very smooth and non-seizure promoting (no flashing). I don't doubt anyone's word, but I'm thinking maybe somehow my system is seeing it differently? I don't know, damn it AVS is useless to me if I see everything different.(Are you viewing it in fullscreen? Presets often look very different to me when windowed or full. This only looks "good" in fullscreen.):mad: :hang:

Perhaps someone could take an avi of the preset as they see it, and I will do the same, and maybe I will find out my problem is not mine own perception, but my comp's.

19th April 2005 05:14 UTC

There's a number of reasons for the flashing, but either way it is very flashy. Two trans/water effects certainly has a lot to do with it. With a bit of reconfiguring of the scope, and adding a few effect lists, you can get quite nice little preset, with a very simple flowing DM.

Btw, I also have problems with AVS looking differently on two systems. I create most of my presets on my notebook and when I get something I like, I'll take it over to my desktop computer to test it against another computer. Unfortunately, half of the presets I create look like shit on my desktop. The best way I can describe it is that everything looks like it's XOR blended for some odd reason, which anyone can tell you usually results in a real ugly mess. If anyone knows why this is, I would also really appreciate some help!

19th April 2005 06:00 UTC

Thank you very much denkensiefursic. I'm glad to hear someone has the same sort of problem. I figured I should have tested on two different systems. I guess until I do, i will just make sure my presets have no flashing whatsoever (Even though I honestly thought the flashing in this one was VERY unobtrusive). Live and learn, I guess. :)

20th April 2005 06:13 UTC

Flashing isnt always bad. alternately flashing frames is. for example a slow pulsing flash on beat can look nice... or a constant strobe maybe (i dont really like but i know some do).

Invert/ no clear frame style flashes are horrible and computer dependant since they rely on framerate... like many of the inbuilt avs effects. this might also explain some of why presets look different from one machine to the next.