Archive: Installer question

31st March 2005 07:27 UTC

Installer question
Urk, I debated on whether to put this in the developer section, but (a)I don't know anyone there, (b)There never seem to be that many people there, and (c)Those people seem a little too techy for me! (No offense to the thechies here.):)

Is it not possible to bundle meatballs 3D.ape and amoeba 3D.ape into Pimpbot? The preset folders apparently only read .avs files, and the only other options are .bmp, .jpg, .avi, or .ttf files. Am I going to have to learn .nis scripting in order to budle these 2 APEs into my installer? I have NSIS, but I know absolutely nothing about the scripting language.

31st March 2005 13:28 UTC

those apes suck.

nsis has help.

i'm too lazy to type :P

31st March 2005 16:28 UTC

Yeah, I know the general cosensus on those apes, but I made the presets before I knew this, and I like them too much to leave out. I know nsis has help, I'm lazy too.:P Besides which, the help guide's lettering is TINY. (No view control, either.) I have to read everything in the source. Thanks for the reply, jheriko. :)

31st March 2005 20:23 UTC

There are various installer scripts around, just find one and modify it

31st March 2005 21:21 UTC

another reason, not to use too many different/unusual apes :p

1st April 2005 06:38 UTC

Definetly agreed, ^..^

That is an excellent idea, Pak. Thanks!