Archive: new tutorial?

20th February 2005 06:13 UTC

new tutorial?
i think it would be nice in addition to actually add a tutorial (or some links) and to stop n00bs (like me) from quad posting in the forums (:rolleyes: ) and maybe a feature to the search?

20th February 2005 14:55 UTC

What makes you think people who don't read the FAQ will read this?

20th February 2005 15:33 UTC

i think everytime someone opens up a new account he/she has to read the FAQ (of course...) but then is only allowed to post here after passing a test about the stuff told in the FAQ. That would keep it seriously more bearable to read the threads here.

20th February 2005 15:34 UTC

I sort of agree with MATT, I think it would be nice if there was a locked sticky thread with a list of tutorials, I know the AVS Programming guide thread is sticky but its got a load of crap in it and peoples random replied.

I would make such a thread myself but people are bound to post replies before it gets locked and stickied by a mod (i.e. you coned)

20th February 2005 16:04 UTC

you could say "please don't reply" (which of course doesn't prevent people from doing so), but a mod could delete all replies when he locks the thread...

23rd February 2005 00:31 UTC

actually that would be nice, except i meant in the AVS itself in winamp... as you open the "AVS Editor", it would open a help guide? instead of stuff in ssc help "new ssc tutorial goes here" :p

23rd February 2005 20:52 UTC

That would be very nice indeed MaTTFuRY, but as in we've given up all hope of AVS being uptaded again i guess were all DOOMED to the extreme exposure of n00b threads for the REST OF OUR LIVES!

23rd February 2005 21:09 UTC

couldn't this idea at least be applied on this forum in any way? Perhaps we can dam the problem that way...

23rd February 2005 21:12 UTC

I think the point of this thing was that those forum "dam"'s don't have any effect?

23rd February 2005 21:18 UTC

i could make an APE to achieve this one-time startup tutorial and maybe add a menu entry to open it later. nullsoft would just have to include that little file in the next winamp and we'd be relieved of a lot of noobs :)

23rd February 2005 21:30 UTC

yeah, i think we should try to do something! If they will update avs, that ape for example would be better than nothing!

23rd February 2005 21:35 UTC

A community tutorial?

23rd February 2005 21:38 UTC

I propose for the very first page/welcome screen a text: "If you think you are going to do AVS, then learn ALGEBRA! You smelly n00b!!!"

23rd February 2005 21:43 UTC

hehe, or just one page

"Figure it out yourself you damn noob!"

Followed by various stories from members of the AVS community about how they tought themselves everything they know, and they did it without megabufs and mutliline frame boxes.

23rd February 2005 22:05 UTC

Yeah, that's it! I'd also write a story, cause i didn't even know of any community for more than 3 years! Of course, i've learned much more during my time here (btw THANK YOU ALL!!) than before. But anyways, i knew what did what and so on (just the basic things).

23rd February 2005 22:36 UTC

My thought is that the current tutorials should at least be added to the FAQ first (url's).

1) My hope of 'better text to put here' (i.e. a new tutorial) actually being in that box is at zero now.
2) Noobs wouldn't find this new tutorial just as they don't find the existing ones (which are good enough as they are now IMO), no matter in what other place it is.

- at least then we can point them to the FAQ as it is the most asked question, but it isn't even in the FAQ.

23rd February 2005 22:55 UTC

Well they would surely find it when it pops up everytime you open the avs-editor. ;)

All in all i'm not that pessimistic: i still believe that there are people who read the faq (or at least parts of it ;)), so if there were such a list of links leading to tutorials it would make sense.
The point is, that the bunch of "sticky-info" has to be updated. Who ever reads each of the 6 "tips&tricks" pages?

24th February 2005 17:20 UTC

There is a rather large flaw in the tutorial APE idea... people would have to actually download it in the first place; what is the chance of that if they wont even bother reading the faq or searching for tutorials.

24th February 2005 17:24 UTC

no, the idea was, that it should be implemented in avs, (provided they bring out a new version, if not this idea is indeed.. crap).

24th February 2005 17:28 UTC

Yea but if they're going to bring out a new version (which we all know they're not) then the expression help can just be updated to have decent text in it

24th February 2005 17:40 UTC

but an ape that causes a pop-up-box giving decent information BEFORE the editor is actually accessible would be much more effective.
(Of course the expression help could be updated, too)

25th February 2005 03:00 UTC

it'd be added into all the winamp packages anyways? > because its "PART OF" winamp

25th February 2005 09:53 UTC

if i unserstood the idea correctly, it would be added to winamp, so that when you at first start the editor you get some information about avs like tutorials, help...
So you don't have to put it into any pack. But since it's unclear (= very improbable) that there will be a new version of avs, this whole idea is probably unpracticable.

25th February 2005 15:43 UTC

they just need to add one small file that will even be very well compressable.
there is a chance they'll do that ;)

25th February 2005 15:47 UTC

hey, never lose hope! But while waiting for them to do so, what about cleaning up the noob-information here on the forum? Or at least make an attractive packed link-list of available tutorials?

25th February 2005 22:41 UTC

yah best would be outlined with a flashy border in neon colors

25th February 2005 23:01 UTC

of course! And additionally we could have something like a java applet that automatically prints the whole page!

25th February 2005 23:04 UTC

/ saves 10 backups of the current vis_avs.dll

25th February 2005 23:54 UTC

/me ditto's Wotl

I would be extremely annoyed by a "hey, you fucking n00b, why not check the AVS tutorial first?" message.

26th February 2005 00:09 UTC

well, of course there will be a config-box, where you can enter that you are no noob. You just have to got the password! ;)

27th February 2005 16:54 UTC

Just have a checkbox in the config to disable it on startup. It will be like when you uncheck that fucking 'start fullscreen on doubleclick instead of editor' god I hate that so much.

27th February 2005 18:23 UTC

or as if you dis-/enable that winamp splash screen on startup...

btw pak, what became of the idea to make a sticky thread that contains a list of links to tutorials, helpfiles, programming guides?

28th February 2005 01:24 UTC

Okay I'll make it right now, but no-one better screw it all up

28th February 2005 02:22 UTC

All done

Lock and sticky please unconed

28th February 2005 09:56 UTC

Yeah, good work pak! Hope that it helps and spares us some of the most noobish noob-threads. ;)

28th February 2005 15:23 UTC

turn the word "search" into a link

28th February 2005 17:11 UTC

Sorry I cant edit the post after 60 minutes or whatever, a mod will have to do it

1st March 2005 00:00 UTC

wow... a sucessful thread... :p

6th March 2005 22:09 UTC

yeah, your first thread that actually made sense

9th March 2005 12:50 UTC

Not sure where to post this so I'll ask here:

Thanks for stickying the thead coned, I was thinking you can unsticky the AVS Programing guide thread if you want to clean up the forum a bit since it doesnt really need to be there now.

17th March 2005 23:44 UTC

I asked for him to post it there, PM HIM! He doesn't 'usually' re-read topics like us

18th March 2005 10:07 UTC

Matt, what's keeping you?
you have the same Pm buttons as we do

28th March 2005 03:53 UTC

wouldn't it be better if all of these lists were in the FAQ? surely a million stickies won't get noticed anymore than a single faq. maybe under "i don't understand what a particular effect does?" renamed (since there is already non specific effect related stuff under there) if not a link to the list of tutorials might be good (overkill?).

29th March 2005 13:15 UTC

It can be a chore to hack through a huge bloated faq, if people see a thread specific to their needs I would say they are more likely to click it. If something is requested a lot, its worth making it a seperate sticky imo