Archive: avs playlist... ?

28th December 2004 02:02 UTC

avs playlist... ?
is there such a thing as AVS PL ? so i can order these presets properly?

28th December 2004 05:41 UTC

no there isnt, but it is in the wishlist.

28th December 2004 06:38 UTC

search for Hotlist

28th December 2004 11:48 UTC

create a new folder, copy your favourite presets and give them a running number as a prefix like:

... (hope you can continue yourself)

using the keys u (forward) and y (backward) you can navigate through your list. Also in "settings / presets&hotkeys" you can tell avs to only use your playlist-folder for random/cycle.

that's what i would do.

28th December 2004 12:06 UTC

Originally posted by ^..^

using the keys u (forward) and y (backward) you can navigate through your list.
yea, about that, I notice that using y/u takes a lot more time for the preset to load than when I select a preset by right-clicking and select the next preset.. anybody got an idea what causes that?

28th December 2004 13:53 UTC

now as you said, i also see it. Strange thing, but i have no idea.

28th December 2004 22:11 UTC

Originally posted by WarriorO/TLight
yea, about that, I notice that using y/u takes a lot more time for the preset to load than when I select a preset by right-clicking and select the next preset.. anybody got an idea what causes that?
I would speculate that it is because it has to perform a transition, when you right-click to a preset it doesnt.

28th December 2004 23:05 UTC

sounds logical, but why is it still slower when you disable "transition on next/previous"?

29th December 2004 08:47 UTC

because it's still pre-initialising? maybe if you disable pre-init on next/prev.

29th December 2004 11:30 UTC

that's disabled, too!
Hmm very mysterious...

29th December 2004 11:45 UTC

looks like another option for the "hidden settings", I think I saw a tab somewhere, but where was that...

29th December 2004 11:58 UTC

i guess avs actually has as many control settings as a nuclear power plant.. but they're just hidden...

30th December 2004 01:24 UTC

"random thrashing of the keyboard does well again... "

30th December 2004 11:56 UTC

that would also explain most of your posts...

21st January 2005 23:44 UTC

I have heeded the STFF(Search the F***ing Forums) imperative for this capability for several days with no joy. Seeing how the flamethrowers can come out, I was afraid to stick my head up. I'm glad MaTTFURY did it and got burned to a cinder, so I didn't have to.

See... he does serve a purpose :)

22nd January 2005 04:17 UTC

*please* don't revive threads, this is how i was banned [tempoarily]

22nd January 2005 07:55 UTC

Matt, you did many different things also because you, and because those too were you banned. reviving old threads is only annoying and thus can get you flamed.