Archive: my noob presets

8th December 2004 20:39 UTC

my noob presets
I'm new to AVSing, well actually I've been playing around with it for quite some time now, and I've almost made enough presets for a pack, but I thought it would be a good idea for me to put up a few presets for download, so I could get some critisim on my presets before I start spamming them all over. So please if you download theese presets drop me a line.

I know that most of theese presets need some more work, may not have any framerate- or aspect compensation, but I haven't had a lot of time to do that sort of thing lately.

9th December 2004 08:03 UTC

First you have to attach a file.

9th December 2004 11:18 UTC

I feel very stupid right now, I thought I had attached the file, anyways I uploaded the presets to deviantART:

9th December 2004 16:15 UTC

not bad start at all, nice presets here :) but your suggestions about avs settings is horribly wrong. Read on for more:

Always set the rendering performance to high framerate.
If you want to, you can enable pixeldoubling, but it is usually a huge quality loss in small window sizes :)

When using modern skins, go to some settings for them that has a performace slider for skin visual thingies, and set their performance to minimum. that makes the skin look choppy and ugly, but gives AVS an impressive performance boost.

Settings for full performance, bad smoothness and a "bit more" of CPU usage:

- disable wait for retrace
- set priority to HIGHEST
- disable page flipping (fullscreen option)

Settings for smoothness and lower CPU usage:

- enable wait for retrace
- set priority to Same as winamp (usuall the best choice)
- enable page flipping (fullscreen option)

Wait for retrace makes the preset a lot smoother, and the beat detection is also somewhat better with it. Page flipping turned on means no more horizontal glitches on the screen :)

10th December 2004 09:08 UTC

Thanks for the hints an the reply, but I'd still recommend using idle priority, so AVS won't take processing power awy from anything else, although it makes AVS run like a dog on virus infected computers.

I'm gonna change the part about wait for retrace to on, I only recommended it off, because my computer has a "special" graphics card, which makes AVS stick to very odd framerates for instance there is no framerate between 64 and 32, and because wait for retrace forces the framerate below 60 (with my screen), no AVS's can run at above 32 fps on my maschine with wait for retrace on.
But I don't have that problem anymore.

I do not like pixel doubling though, because it halves the resolution, but actually halving the resolution gives better framerates, on my comp.

15th December 2004 06:58 UTC

pixel doubling gives better frame rates on all machines becuase it's halfing the resolution which halves the power needed to render it. As for other settings, people would have customised it for their own use, most commonly, for higer framerate and smoothness. Sure this will kill your cpu, but how can you do anything else with your compy when your watching avs? if you want to do something else, just close it.