Archive: AVS Fullscreen display songname.

2nd December 2004 09:48 UTC

AVS Fullscreen display songname.
Hey All,

I am trying to get the AVS Visualisation to display the name of the song when in full screen. It will show the name of the song when its in the display window, but as soon as you switch to full screen it doesn't display. What setting am i missing?


2nd December 2004 13:23 UTC

1. Right click in AVS window
2. click AVS Editor
3. Settings > Fullscreen
4. uncheck 'Suppress title text in full screen'

Tip: Pressing the T key while AVS is in focus will redisplay the current title

2nd December 2004 13:35 UTC

Hrmm, they are both unticked. The window one and the full screen one, yet it only displays in the window. Pressing T doesn't show anything. :(

2nd December 2004 14:15 UTC

Do you have fullscreen overlay selected in the fullscreen options? Apparently title display is one of the options that don't work with FsO.

1. Right click in AVS window
2. click AVS Editor
3. Settings > Fullscreen
4. uncheck 'Use fullscreen overlay mode'

3rd December 2004 01:15 UTC

ahhh yes. Thats what it is. Its so unsmooth when you don't run it under overlay mode. What is the best way to get the smoothest performance while not in overlay mode. I really want the song txt to be shown.

3rd December 2004 02:09 UTC

What do you mean by "unsmooth", low resoultion or it is slow?
In fullscreen options try unchecking 'Pixel doubling' and/or change 'Fullscreen video mode resoultion:'

From AVS Frequently Asked Questions

Question #7: AVS is incredibly slow on my computer! How can I speed it up?

The answer is simple: you can't. AVS only uses your CPU, so having a fast 3D graphics card won't help much. Here are some tips in speeding it up:

- Run in 32-bit mode. This might sound weird, but 32-bit color depth is a lot faster than 16-bit in AVS. This is because everything is calculated at 32-bit internally, so any other mode requires the image to be converted each frame.

- Run in a low resolution. If your video-card doesn't support resolutions like 320x240 or 400x300 at 32-bit, you can use pixel-doubling. This effectively halves the actual resolution (e.g. 640x480 pixel-doubled is the same as 320x240).

- Turn off any other programs or background processes that are running.
Before this thread gets too long I am going to move it to AVS Troubleshooting, where you can get some more authoritative help.

3rd December 2004 03:44 UTC

ok thanks for your help.