Archive: Help with Cubes II

28th November 2004 07:15 UTC

Help with Cubes II
Flame war- a deliberate exchange of insults between two parties. This usually involves a series of insulting, irrelevant posts in the same thread.

I'm probably stupid for this but i just finished reading Pak-9's Tutorial, and then i looked at jaaks cube preset, then looked at pak-9's tutorial (doing this process ehh 7 or 8 times), im trying to figure out what he's done, he's got like 8 superscopes, and a few misc comments... not helping me at all...

28th November 2004 08:11 UTC

what do you mean with not helping at all? the preset you attached seems to be cool. what is the part you need help with?

28th November 2004 12:26 UTC

yeah nice preset, just add some colors and make a "magic dice(tm)" out of it. (the thing they searched for in "dude, wehre´s my car?") :p

28th November 2004 16:22 UTC

point per point superscope making multiple cubes around individual centers.

btw-that is jaaks coding, not yours right? Because if you made it and didn't know what you were doing you would be a god among men...

28th November 2004 16:40 UTC

i doubt that a lot :p

29th November 2004 01:43 UTC

jaaks cube preset
and im trying to figure out what he's doing with the cube, (please dont tell me nobody knows? or otherwise lol) 1st superscope i think he declared values for the reg00(etc) with rotation ones? then started making the cube however he knows...!

29th November 2004 02:09 UTC

It easy to understand.

The first scope is his global variables.
The second scope draws the shape by point-to-point scoping of each cube, then mapping them to a center.

And... nobody knows

29th November 2004 02:52 UTC

rotation... then thats it? (what do u mean globals???)

29th November 2004 08:54 UTC

btw why is it advantageous to calculate some variables in a sperate scope? Can't it be done with the same one?

29th November 2004 23:19 UTC

The advantage of having a global variable scope is to keep things in your preset synchrnoized; like rotation, colors, position...etc. This is used now to replace the old way of synchronization, combined getosc() onbeat, because it is nicer and works better for most applications.

It also will suposedly make a fps increase because there is nothing being calculated per-pixel in the scope or something like that. I don't know if that is true or not.

30th November 2004 01:42 UTC

good or bad, and how do i use it?

30th November 2004 09:53 UTC

The main reason for putting rotations etc... in a seperate scope is cleanliness. With just one scope/texer2/dm etc.. It is actually sligtly more efficient to put everything in the scope that renders because you aren't writing to and reading from registers which is essentially a superflous operation.

In a complex preset though, where more than one ssc/texer2/dm etc.. needs to be syncronised or in any way use the same values you are going to have to put the values in registers anyway so you might as well do it in a seperate scope for easy access and tidyness.

30th November 2004 18:30 UTC

so that is just has got more style...
tss tss. nowadays they aren't satisfied with cool looking presets. No no. Also the code has to be arranged in a stylish way. Where does this end?

30th November 2004 23:09 UTC

stylish? , are we gay or just women? .. lol

1st December 2004 06:32 UTC

if the preset contains an insane amount of code, no one will be able to handle it. commenting does indeed help, but multiple scopes are even better :) and no Matt we are neither of those, we are just sexah!!

1st December 2004 18:20 UTC

that's the way MATT.
Unfortunately you cannot see our overwhelmig attractivity. :cool:

2nd December 2004 00:43 UTC

lmao, i got a gf... if u didnt read my signatures for 400th time!

2nd December 2004 06:36 UTC

your signature does really suck, matt.

2nd December 2004 07:56 UTC

For THE MOMENT... im working on it... :P,

ops it's:

2nd December 2004 17:28 UTC

Originally posted by ^..^
so that is just has got more style...
I didnt think it was possible but your grammar is just has got worse

2nd December 2004 23:33 UTC

lmao it has tooo!!!

2nd December 2004 23:48 UTC

":igor: Please excuse to me for wrong grammar. i have had meanted the word "it" instead of the word "is". Much sorry for that mistake."

Seems to be a really really serious mistake, i guess

3rd December 2004 00:44 UTC

lol, "im a senior member!" :D

3rd December 2004 07:26 UTC

Matt, please, we do see YOU made it. but seriously, I could also tell everyone I became a member too but thats not the thing I really care about. be serious. or at least try to behave yourself :p

3rd December 2004 17:05 UTC

at least i do now understand what the great ugly barcode-like signature was suposed to be.

5th December 2004 02:48 UTC

little off-topic?

5th December 2004 11:26 UTC

and what's the problem? ;)

10th December 2004 08:52 UTC

understanding this stuff... :P

10th December 2004 19:40 UTC

perhaps you should accept mysterious_w's help (he offered in another thread, right?), before he changes his mind ;)
I think the general idea of this preset has already been explained here.
But if you're looking for some more detailed information about the differnet "techniques"... you should utter a concrete question like: "How did jaak manage to render the cube?" Then you will surely get an satisfying answer like: "He used a point-per-point scope, ... bla bla bla." I would give a more detailed answer, but i'm also doing my first steps on this kind of stuff.. :(