Archive: Another n00bish 1st preset thread

18th November 2004 08:49 UTC

Another n00bish 1st preset thread
Hi guys im new here I've played around with avs before but never really made a fully original preset. I thought i might show you guys wot I've started for my first preset.

Btw a HUGE thanks to Pak 9 for his tutorial that explains the 3d superscope excellently. (I still havnt got my head around how to find formulas for t in the 3d DMs yet tho).

Anyway here it is. All i've done on it so far are the scopes - ill probably add more stuff around the cube and tweak the ugly color code.

/me puts on his fireproof suit

19th November 2004 01:55 UTC

Comments? Constructive crits?

Anyway heres a much better version with more effects and its more optimised. Before i call it finished I want to have it moving around the scene, which i had semi working a little while ago before winamp crashed.

19th November 2004 07:29 UTC

here is my suggestion: first, you have put all SCCs into different ELists with replace-50/50 blend. the same effect can be achieved even without any effect lists, when you put a SetRenderMode (located in misc) before all scopes and set it to 50/50 blend. something related also to the clear screen, it has also more blending modes ;)

19th November 2004 11:08 UTC

O yeah good point. Thanks man. Doing the whole cube in one elist seems to make the green sound waves slightly less defined, though. Ah well it's probably worth it for the optimisation :)
Anyway apart from my crappy coding skills :igor: , wot do you think of it? Like, do you think that it's cool and i should keep going or is it so terrible that you'd pay me money as a bribe to never touch the AVS editor again?

20th November 2004 03:06 UTC

Ok its finished :) (BTW its a 3d cube that does allsorts of crazy stuff)

Download "Petrolhead - Not Just Another 3D Cube"

Opinions? You like/dislike?

20th November 2004 03:20 UTC

I don't like .rar

Sorry, that's just me

20th November 2004 04:21 UTC

Ok, try now :P

20th November 2004 04:25 UTC

Thank you

22nd November 2004 00:01 UTC

Uhm.. So any comments? I'd just like some feedback

10th December 2004 09:06 UTC

hey i like it.. :P love the colours... and the 2 cubes wouldnt call that n00bish

10th December 2004 10:00 UTC

Very nice preset, but it's a wee bit empty, so adding an extra cube (or another shape), or making a kind of background, might help.

11th December 2004 17:05 UTC

Quite nice, but in future please post in the 'presets' subforum