Archive: avs at wikiverse

4th November 2004 20:58 UTC

avs at wikiverse
look what i found while googling around, an article on avs at wikiverse, don't know if anyone has seen it before. i'm mentioned in the 'history of avs' part :) many people are metioned there as well, check it out.

4th November 2004 22:49 UTC

wikiverse along with hundreds of other online encyclopaedias get their articles via spider bot of wikipedia

This is the original article. Myself and others (Zevensoft i think) have contributed :D

5th November 2004 10:58 UTC

Hmm... Why on earth someone would want to create a dublicate of a encyclopaedia... sounds pretty strange and a waste of time :)

And i thought Yathosho and Skupers created the original article? :igor:

5th November 2004 23:39 UTC

yeah. that would be right.
ive only done minor stuff, and zev was just a guess. ;)

6th November 2004 05:17 UTC

Actually I first posted the stub article, then a bunch of other artists wrote up the history of it and other sections (not sure who as it's impossible to track contributors effectively).

8th November 2004 14:58 UTC

Tug: did you fail to notice the ads at the bottom? Maybe you have sand in your eyes as well...

9th November 2004 16:30 UTC

Tug: did you fail to notice the ads at the bottom?
/me slow
Ooh... scheamy!