Archive: AVS creator?

23rd October 2004 15:40 UTC

AVS creator?
I think that there should be a mini-program shipped out with winamp that lets you creat your own AVS visualzations from scratch...

23rd October 2004 16:37 UTC

It already has such a thing: Right-click the AVS-window and select AVS Editor.

//something smells vizhy here

23rd October 2004 18:50 UTC

There is a EDITOR in AVS?!?!?!?! OMFG!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!!111!1!!1!1!!!1!!eleven!!!!!!!!

24th October 2004 12:46 UTC

Wait wait wait... hold teh phone, I can make my own AVS presets?!¬

Is it me or is the standard of question being asked on the forums slowly falling?

24th October 2004 15:25 UTC

I'm going to clunk this before bad things happen. I know how tempting it is. ;)