9th October 2004 17:58 UTC
Frsh LOt
Very new at avs..so i would appreciate any kind of feedback on these.
Archive: Frsh LOt
9th October 2004 17:58 UTC
Frsh LOt
Very new at avs..so i would appreciate any kind of feedback on these.
Warrior of the Light
9th October 2004 22:39 UTC
fairly good presets for a starters pack..
favorites: Making ends meet and anox--bump.
A few advices:
A n=50000 (!) scope isn't needed. Never. With these movements, noone will see the difference anyway. n=h is more than enough here (golo, curve), if set to lines instead of dots. Boosts FPS up from a miserable 8.6 up to ~33 with Golo with a preset that looks the exact same to me.
10th October 2004 07:22 UTC
yeah..that was good.thanks.
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