Archive: Dark Side of the Moon

16th September 2004 07:02 UTC

Dark Side of the Moon
Dark Side of the Moon

Would anyone be interested in working with me on a compilation pack inspired by Pink floyd's album Dark Side of the Moon? I would need about 3 people willing to help if I decide to go through with this.

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(crappy ASCII art)

16th September 2004 07:21 UTC

I would help you out there.
Not sure how much time I have on my hands, but it sounds interesting.

16th September 2004 20:51 UTC

Sounds good.

16th September 2004 21:41 UTC


17th September 2004 00:10 UTC

Haha, here, have an intro.

21st September 2004 01:42 UTC

I'm working on "The Great Gig in the Sky" right now. I just need to put in a 3d starfield and a tileable cloud texture and find a good camera rotation/movement pattern.
My idea is to make some sort of flying preset going between layered 3d clouds (2 or 3 flat surfaces, alpha blended) at late sunset. I'll post an alpha version soon.