Archive: AVS newbie's preset

26th August 2004 12:07 UTC

AVS newbie's preset
This is a preset I made to see what I could do in AVS without knowing anything at all. I think it looks kinda cool, sorta like a moving, multi-colored, face melting inkblot test. Any comments, advice, or suggestions would be much appreciated.

P.S. Don't judge it too harshly, I'm newer than new at this stuff.

26th August 2004 18:53 UTC

Couldn't you have just set the title to something like, First Prest-Painstorm, but noooooo, AVS NEWBIE'S PRESET... grrrrrr
<insert flameing here>

<ps ignore above this line-------->

About the preset, learn how to code, built in effects are over used like that, everybody thinks it's cool just to throw a bunch of random things together and make colors, then they learn how to code and they find out how much other cool stuff they can make that hasn't been made a bajillion times before by every other living person. <-Long run-on sentence

27th August 2004 14:31 UTC

that's quite well done for a first time preset.
although you only used "canned" stuff, this one looks quite stylish and shows that you might do very good stuff once you have the skills to do so :)

some optimization tips:
you have a clear screen to black there and an additive effect list after it.
As a first step, you could set the effect list to replace and remove the clear screen.
Or you could move all the stuff from the effect list to main.
Be aware of a bug in the avs editor!
It sometimes arranges the components in the wrong when you drag them. it looks right in the editor tree but the effects are not applied in the correct order.
To make the editor display the effects in the same order as they are applied again, simply restart AVS. (your preset is saved in a temporary file during that)

No headache-causing "strobe flashs", no 1000 components thrown into main, what more would you expect? :)