Archive: Were the community at?

26th July 2004 06:44 UTC

Were the community at?
I took a short vacation and I come back here to AVS fourms and look whats happened! I left with everyone feeling so up-beat and energetic about the new AVS version with more then we could have ever wished for. People had new ideas, new concepts, and all around sick new stuff. Now here we are a few months later and look what's happend.

The first noticible thing is that the community is "quiting". A large persentage of AVSers that were making cool, innovative presets just a few months ago are gone. Why they say? Lack of inspiration, lack of free time, lackluster love of AVS; all three of these things seem to rank at the top of their reasons for quitting. Now I understand that this is an acceptable part of life, but what we are getting in return is no were near as good. While I will say some of the new AVSers that have joined out community make up many of the gaps left un-filled, but I swear to god, the next person who posts a thread title with the word newbie in it, or any of it's similar incarnations (n00b, noob, sucky, etc...) I am going to flame their ass right off the fucking page. I just can't understand why people would straight out call their own artwork as noobish/trashy/sucky or anything of that sort. It just boggles my mind to see how they can degrade their own work like that.
I don't know what's happened here, I just hope it has more to do with a summer thing, and it will all be over soon. I can only hope though.

A final part with my rant, the next person that says anything along the lines of them making sucky presets because they don't understand any of the math behind superscopes and/or dynamic movements, or any statement like that, I am going to flame their lazy fucking asses, because their are plenty of resources available to learn how to use them, it's just that their too stupid and/or lazy to do it.

Thank you

Just for a side note, I am not going to use this thread as an early warning or an excuse for me flaming anybody, I am ready to accept any consequences that come from my actions.

26th July 2004 12:34 UTC

Yea it does suck a bit that so many people are 'quitting', mainly because it says a lot about how people percieve AVS as something which can or needs to be 'quit'.

As for:

I just can't understand why people would straight out call their own artwork as noobish/trashy/sucky or anything of that sort.
The reason people are self depriciating is that they are intimidated by the rest of the AVS artwork they see. Since they cannot compete they feel the need to pre-warn people that their work is of a lower quality. I think someone (yathosho?) started a thread on the deviantart visualisation forums about the future of AVS, where he commented that new artists have a very steep lerning curve to ascend and many are probably frightened off.

26th July 2004 12:45 UTC

Pak, That was started by nemoorange... :p

As for the quitting... i will just refuse to answer that.

26th July 2004 12:52 UTC

Yea it seems like a nemo kinda topic.

Anyway only losers quit AVS... all the cool kids still do it. Quitters like tug are just afraid thats all.

I'm such a master of psychology.

26th July 2004 15:40 UTC

It makes me happy thinking that someone may have watched and enjoyed my presets in the past and is sad i'm quitting.
( and sad in a way because someone liked me then I quit. )

( and as I said... the term was 'thinking' not 'knowing'. )

26th July 2004 19:06 UTC

I think a large part of it has to do with creativity. I can attest that there comes a point where you feel like you're running out of ideas. It feels like everything has already been done, so why bother trying to re-hash some presets that were cool a year ago?

The other part is that AVS is pretty much a stagnant application now that Justin has left Winamp. I highly doubt AVS will be upgraded anytime in the future. This means that innovation must come from the preset-author's end. & since we're all out of ideas, well I guess that means that we're going nowhere.

But, honestly, this is no big deal. There's a fresh batch of artists over at deviantART that are on the brink of their break-through release. So let's just stop talking about Jukka, Steven, etc & move on.

27th July 2004 05:44 UTC

Your right about it not being a big deal nemo, I for one dont get all torn up over people 'quitting', but thats probably because I can download new Tugg, El-vis and Coned presets fairly often. If those three really did quit and never come back (i.e. didnt post here, didnt come on #finnish-flash, didnt release presets on devart etc...) then I probably would feel there was a bit of a hole.

Plus one shouldnt delude oneself that talent can be learnt, everyone has a unique style and it is unlikely we will see the work of, say, Unconed ever replicated... not just because of his technical skill but also his artistic ability and style.

27th July 2004 09:13 UTC

Pak-9, fine, if you want me to quit posting and being part of the community, just to prove a point then.... i won't, because im such a addict :(
Hmm i still wouldn't say one preset in 2 weeks "often", but im just me :weird:

27th July 2004 09:49 UTC

The reason most people call their first work n00bish is because they've only seen the Winamp 5 general picks collection, and can see their work is crap compared to it. I just called my N00bish because I'm a t--t

27th July 2004 12:27 UTC

i dont call my presets n00bish....just Unoriginal :p

27th July 2004 16:21 UTC

Hmm i still wouldn't say one preset in 2 weeks "often", but im just me
I make presets at about that pace :confused:, well, on average anyway, I have peaks and troughs of interest.

27th July 2004 16:27 UTC

I'm not quitting!!

in fact, im producing presets just as often as ever!!

27th July 2004 16:31 UTC

I totally agree with the whole 'not being able to find ideas' thing. And with the whole peaks and troughs thing Pak was mentioning, I do the same thing. It might seem as if we're quitting, but we're really just taking a break ;)

27th July 2004 16:44 UTC

I totally agree with the whole 'not being able to find ideas' thing.
Yea sometimes fresh ideas are harder to find than sidds first and second packs.

27th July 2004 16:55 UTC



Should work, but my server has been a bit unpredictable ever since my second pack got slashdotted.

27th July 2004 16:59 UTC

I hate you all....

27th July 2004 21:40 UTC

Well, the speed of making presets isn't really the issue, some people make presets even slower and still aren't quitting. For me the issue is that packs are too much work & dedication and i don't have the patience anymore to hold a preset just for myself for months... let alone 20 presets :igor:

27th July 2004 21:45 UTC

So why not just release singles and consolodate them into packs occasionally....a la exactly what your doing now. (i.e. not really quitting) Hey dont get me wrong I want you to stick around, but it would be nice if you didnt have the label of an 'Ex-AVS artist'.

I know it sounds silly but it seems almost like a trend, "hey look, tugg and coned are quitting, I gotta get me a piece of that!".

28th July 2004 01:14 UTC

But it will be the same 20 presets all over again and it's not like that's wise or anything. Who wants to see the same stuff all over again anyway? ;)

But if that makes you feel better then you can call me a active avser pakkie :p

Yeah, you're right, people who mimic me are stupid indeed :blah: :p

28th July 2004 05:57 UTC

Yes! I got Tugg to admit he hasn't really quit, now I can quit and it wont look like I'm copying him! ;)

28th July 2004 06:38 UTC

Awwww man! You so totally wouldn't pull one of those on us pak, man we couldn't take it!

Maybe what we should do is make a new AVS group just out of people who have "quit" making avs...

btw-it is nice too see all these freindly faces popping up all over this thread :up:

28th July 2004 08:23 UTC

lol @ Toast

Yea that group would kick the proverbial... Tug, Coned, El-vis... its an all star cast! :D

This is the devart forum topic I was talking about earlier: