Archive: resolution of the text

13th July 2004 11:31 UTC

resolution of the text
well, I have a tiny problem with
If my resolution of a AVS window is about 256*227 the text is big, but if
i change the resolution to about 480*360 the text becomes very small.
is there any possibility that the text in 480*360 coud be the same size as it was in the smallest resolution.

is there any solution that the text woud still be the same size?

13th July 2004 15:45 UTC

No, sorry. Text has absolute units, not relative.

13th July 2004 21:30 UTC

you could resize it using a movement
but that would be slow and look bad

16th July 2004 14:51 UTC

yes, I've been thinking about that.
But what if this coud be the next idea for an effect, which includes text:winamp:

19th July 2004 19:03 UTC

Text2 is currently "under construction" (has been for a few years now ;) )

20th July 2004 04:10 UTC

You mean in Fullscreen video mode?
In Fullscreen video mode there is not 256*227 variable.

20th July 2004 08:35 UTC

yes I know, this was just for a sample, so I could describe my problem ;)

21st July 2004 15:31 UTC

huh, this has been raised many times before too(i guess). the only solution is Text2.ape which Jheriko was supposed to make:rolleyes: but dunno if he even remembers:P

22nd July 2004 21:10 UTC

FPS is a essential thing in AVS. Presets with high fps are so much more fun to watch since the music reaction is great and fast movements are smooth.

23rd July 2004 10:11 UTC

To bad:cry:
this effect coud be very handy, if it would be made, because every time that I change the resolution for my AVS, I hve to change the size of the text :confused:.

23rd July 2004 12:08 UTC

Sorry, the above post was not written by me... Somebody created the vanderphunck account in my name and posted lots of stuff in my name. (Thanks to Rocker for giving it back to me.)

3rd August 2004 10:06 UTC

ugly hack
The only solution at the moment is to dynamically rescale the text. (Ofcourse you could also draw the text you want to write with ssc's and stuff.) It is an ugly hack but it works...

So here's how I would do it:

i would put the render text in an effect list that is only rendered once every time text changes (using the effectlist override). And then i'd buffer save the image text.

Outside i'd use a DM with grid size 0x0 and the code:

The question is which font size, scale factor and font to use. I think it looks cool with "small fonts 6" and a huge scaling like 50/w. with out bilinear filtering. It also looks nice if you use bilinear filtering and combine it with a cool convolution filter to round the edges.

One cool thing about doing this is that you can also move the text around as you like...

3rd August 2004 12:04 UTC

well, you are right, but if you use this code, when you resize the AVS window to bigger resolution the text gets uglyier, you can see zhe squares of the text ( that's how it was when I tried to do this ).
I am sory if I didn't sad it in a professional way.
You can do the same with the trans/movement.
but the problem is still the same.
my suggestion, that the text shud have the similar program code as the render/picture2, but again if this is posible to make it.

I hope you know what I am saying :(

3rd August 2004 21:34 UTC

Originally posted by [Ishan]
huh, this has been raised many times before too(i guess). the only solution is Text2.ape which Jheriko was supposed to make:rolleyes: but dunno if he even remembers:P
I never bothered because text is boring. I'm sure I told someone I couldn't be bothered... I just toyed with the idea.

The best idea is to use procedural text... with an ape for saving and loading megabufs and a good procedural text superscope it might be possible to completely do away with ever needing render/text which is slow and ugly

4th August 2004 05:35 UTC

Thats quite a good idea actually, if there was code that fills the megabuf with every letter and number, yuou could just paste in loops to specify the text and translate, size and rotate (etc..) it using and means you liked. It wouldnt be a super-quick way of rendering text, but its a feasable solution to an irritating problem.

4th August 2004 19:10 UTC

Can anyone explain why the text render sucks so many FPS with a large window resolution?

5th August 2004 21:49 UTC

i suspect it copies the whole screen from somewhere...
evidence for that is the "blue shift bug" on win9x/me


| |
| We want gmegabuf in the APE SDK! |
| |
/ \

6th August 2004 20:32 UTC

Fonts are vector data right? Is that what you guys mean by it should be drawn as a superscope?

10th August 2004 08:36 UTC

well I don't know, but unconed sad that the text has absolute units, and not relative units. but can there be any solution to changes the units ?

10th August 2004 11:55 UTC

Vector fonts
I made a vector font renderer using SSCs ... Check it out here:

Here's a scroller using the technique:

10th August 2004 15:24 UTC

Nice one phunk.

well I don't know, but unconed sad that the text has absolute units, and not relative units. but can there be any solution to changes the units ?
That doesnt really make any sense, you cant 'change the units' in AVS. Text is rendered based on pixels, i.e. a font that is 8 pixels high will only ever be 8 pixels high regardless of the resolution, unlike most AVS elements which are scaled with the window/resolution. There is no way around this, other than making a resolution independant text APE (commonly reffered to as text2.ape... although it doesnt exist :igor: )

11th August 2004 10:07 UTC

scaling text
Thanks :-)

You can also scale the text after it has been rendered to make it resolution independent. True it makes the text blocky, but that can look cool as well:

12th August 2004 11:05 UTC

well vanderphunck, it is well done, the Vector fonts :).
But this doesn't help me much, because i cant understand the code that you wrote for this text :(. how do you change the text :(.
it looks like that i am to confused for such a thing

13th August 2004 09:21 UTC

I've updated the vector scroller so that it has comments.

I hope that helps you...

In the new version the scroller string is stored in gmegabuf(9000) and onwards (as ascii codes).