Archive: Resolution and some other dumb questions

2nd July 2004 17:42 UTC

Resolution and some other dumb questions
Alright, since I am starting to do some presets (not another 3d stuff tries) I have a question. I am using 256*198 resolution, so I am getting pretty good fps for most of stuff I've downloaded and made (I am using celeron 1700 - I know celeron sucks tho). I am wondering what resolution is the most common, so I can optimize the performance of my presets for it, because obviously the preset that is running at 40 fps on 256*198 will run much worse on, say, 512*396.

It would be great if anyone could help me with assign/exec/loop functions, since I know what they do, but dont really understand how to use them. If not, I'll "use the search feature" for another 23525 time

one more. If you will ever read it, Tuggummi, please let me know if I can use one of your texer bitmaps, that you use in your "Extra Dimension" pack. Not any code, just a bitmap. I am really bad at photoshop so it would be a problem for me to create such a thing and thats a damn good bitmap I'd say.

2nd July 2004 18:08 UTC

defining the common resolution means knowing what you're making presets for (homeuse, projection etc). also the preferred resolution depends on the user's hardware specifications, personally i'm using 480x360. more importantly is probably the aspect ratio of 4:3, as it's commonly used for projections and of course it is the ratio of avs fullscreen playback and of televisions.

you find a couple of tutorials on this page, maybe they help you on your technical questions.

2nd July 2004 23:24 UTC

As for the texer files: Tugg released an entire package with texer bitmaps for public use. You most likely will find it in there. Download that file, and you're good to go :). I'm too lazy to find the exact link though, just search the forums, you can't miss it.

3rd July 2004 02:41 UTC

Tuggummi's Texer Resources

3rd July 2004 10:04 UTC

im speculating that you know how to code in same programming language, doest really matter witch.




assign + exec



int j=0,

I hope its clearer now, assign and exec is used to make code faster and usuable inside other functions like loop(a,b) or if(a,b,c), you just cant do something like:

this will return error and you must use:


as for exec2(a,b) or exec3(a,b,c):
In following code your doing usuless assignments that will eat cpu cycles.

you can make this code more effective with exec3:

my $0.02

5th July 2004 11:29 UTC

you could also use AVSTrans.
it does these translations for you :)
you can write in a more understandable language this way.
you enter thing like


and it translates it for you to avs compatible code consisting of execs and assigns.
very useful if you have long if()s and loop()s :)

5th July 2004 11:42 UTC

stop advertizing your ape :P

and code the stupid vertex shading!!!1

5th July 2004 13:05 UTC

Shylent, sure you can use it if the thing you want isn't in the texer resources. Though next time it might be more effective to contact me directly instead of mentioning it in a thread ;) I might miss a thread or two occasionally even though i try to read most of them.

Just PM me here at the forums :)

Oh and im using 280x280 and im running a athlon XP +2100. I get pretty good framerates with that :) (mostly around 30-40~) Wouldn't say it's common... maybe the best way to optimize would be to optimize them to a fullscreen resolution like 320x240 or 400x300. Even with the more powerful machines the preset needs to be pretty minimalistic in order to go beyond 400x300 and get a good framerate. The most consuming effects now with the new avs version are trans effects.

6th July 2004 09:59 UTC

Thanks for help with resolution and assign/exec/loop, everyone! It became very clear for me now (I think so, at least :P). I am working on some kind of pack now, first steps or something, so some day (in a month methinks) you will face my ultimate noobness, har har.

Tuggummi: I thought, it might be annoying to get some random PMs from random people... Thanks anyway! Glad you replied! :)